May 7, 2024

Liberal Media Ignoring Debbie Wasserman Schultz IT Scandal; New York Times Published One Article So Far

The liberal media continues to overlook the looming IT scandal involving Democrats in Congress and a former IT aide who managed their security system.

The Daily Caller has done an excellent job in investigative journalism regarding the fraud case involving a former IT aide for Democratic congresswoman (and former Democratic National Committee chairwoman) Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Iwan and his wife allegedly committed fraud in the number of tens of thousands of dollars, and his wife fled the country. Iwan was prevented from leaving the country at the airport and was arrested by federal authorities.

But, the liberal media has not covered it as much as Trump stories.

The New York Times ran one article so far on July 28, 2017. What was the title? “Trump fuels intrigue surrounding a former I.T. worker’s arrest.” As you can see, no mention that a Democrat is involved in the headline. Do you think they’d treat a Republican the same way?

Why is the media ignoring this scandal? Isn’t it important to know whether the Democrats were being blackmailed by a former IT aide and his family? How were they able to commit so much fraud without being arrested by federal authorities? Those are questions that the liberal media should ask.
