May 7, 2024

Antifa Professor Called For Killing Police Officers — And He Still Hasn’t Been Fired

Last week, The Daily Caller published a story on John Jay College of Criminal Justice professor Mike Isaacson, who posted numerous tweets justifying antifa violence and advocacy of anarchism and violence against the police.

The professor, who was placed on administrative leave on September 15, has not yet been fired by the institution.

TheDC was alerted by Far Left Watch to a host of tweets by Isaacson that were only just brought to light Wednesday. The tweets, some of which were deleted following coverage of Isaacson in the media, call not only for Antifa protests, but for killing the police.

In a tweet dating to August 30, Isaacson wrote “Off the pigs” in response to a HuffPost article that claimed the police allowed white supremacists to “terrorize” Charlottesville.

In a separate tweet dating to August 18, Isaacson suggested burning down police stations “with an accelerant.” It was written in response to a post about Texas police who were cleared of wrongdoing for performing a cavity search on a female suspect.

In a series of now-deleted tweets throughout 2017, Isaacson posted one-off comments about dead police and service members, including a suggestion about “killing superior officers” in the military to “stop war.”

Mike Isaacson on Twitter (Screenshot: Twitter)

Mike Isaacson on Twitter (Screenshot: Twitter)

Mike Isaacson on Twitter (Screenshot: Twitter)

Mike Isaacson on Twitter (Screenshot: Twitter)

Responding to YouTuber Laci Green’s tweet about the Women’s March’s decision to choose a convicted cop murderer, Assata Shakur, as a figurehead of the movement, Isaacson tweeted:

“Dead cops are good, Laci.”

Mike Isaacson on Twitter (Screenshot: Twitter)

Mike Isaacson on Twitter (Screenshot: Twitter)

Like many other Antifa supporters and far-left extremists, Isaacson holds a positive opinion of Shakur, a member of the Black Liberation Army who was convicted in 1977 for first-degree murder in the shooting of State Trooper Werner Foerster. She was given political asylum in communist Cuba.

Ian Miles Cheong is a journalist and outspoken media critic. You can reach him through social media at @stillgray on Twitter and on Facebook.

Source: The Daily Caller
