May 5, 2024

Harvey Weinstein Flees to Europe for Sex Addiction Rehab

Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein took a private jet to Europe on Tuesday night, sources told TMZ. Weinstein will purportedly enter a live-in sex addiction rehabilitation facility in an as-of-now unknown European country.

Weinstein has been accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment by dozens of women, including Hollywood megastars Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow.

In a disturbing and desperate letter reportedly sent to other movie executives, Weinstein said that while many of the allegations against him were not true, he believes he should be given a second chance in the industry following a stint in therapy.

Weinstein was fired by his board at The Weinstein Company shortly after. His wife also announced that she was leaving him.

Weinstein’s choice of locations for treatment could have an ulterior motive. Bethany Mandel of The Federalist asked if there was an extradition treaty with wherever he fled, implying that this could have a Roman Polanski-esque motivation. There are numerous sex addiction clinics in the United States, including at least one in New York City, where Weinstein lives.

Polanski left the United States in 1978 on the day before he was to be sentenced for the rape of a 13-year-old girl. Polanski, a French citizen, went to France, and has not been back to the United States since. While Weinstein has not yet been charged with anything, it is rather suspicious he hightailed it across the Atlantic. Could this mean that there are still more allegations yet to come?

Source: Townhall
