May 6, 2024


Florida School Ditches Common Core – Soars To Number One

A recent Associated Press article grossly mis-characterized the bill the Florida Citizens Alliance (FLCA) strongly supported and Governor Scott signed into law. The article led readers to believe the FLCA wants to shut down conversation about important issues, ban books and promote a narrow ideology.

That is a complete distortion of their aspirations and intentions.

This has never been about banning books. The bill (now law) has no provision for banning books. In fact, no version of the bill ever mentioned banning books.

The bill in no way promotes a narrow ideology. It opens the conversation to everyone and welcomes factual, objective conversation about important issues.

The bill simply invites parents and all residents of Florida to participate in the selection of instructional materials for our children. We think parents should be involved in the education of their children. We think the residents of Florida should be welcomed to the conversation because they support education in Florida.

We believe in the potential of every child and works tirelessly to allow every student the opportunity to succeed. We believe that includes a free and open conversation about instructional materials. Every child should have the finest materials characterized by accurate and factual content, objective information and unbiased, balanced presentations of controversial issues.

The Florida Citizens Alliance simply stands with the parents and residents of Florida for real solutions that promote student learning. Florida Kids deserve the best!

As a resident of Duval County and a strong supporter of Florida Citizens Alliance, all of our residents need to understand the indoctrination taking place in many of our public schools.
