May 4, 2024

Liberals Hate Being Held to Their Own Standards.

Aside from testosterone, the military, small businesses, the private sector, attractive women, private property, happily married heterosexuals, and people who refuse to conform to their Utopian-or-else drum circle mentality, there few thingsliberals hate more than being held to the rules they’ve set for others. When it happens, they generally react the same way – to scream like a teenage girl that they’re a victim.

Liberals found some of their favorite fellow travelers on the business end of the Sword of Damocles they’ve been lording over the rest of us for years. Forgive me if I don’t give a damn.

Congressman John Conyers was forced to resign in disgrace to stop an ethics investigation from discovering who knows how many more victims of his sexual advances. The Ethic Committee does not investigate former Members, so their inquiry stopped immediately.

Senator Al Franken was forced to resign in disgrace after his 8th accuser came forward. He was angry in announcing his resignation, which will happen at some undetermined point in the future. Democrats forced him out specifically so they could claim the moral high ground, which goes to show that liberals will do the right thing…when every other option has been exhausted.

Democrats at the Washington Post were quick to congratulate themselves and use Franken’s eventual resignation for political purposes, which was the only reason it was done, by declaring that they were the “only one of our two great parties” with “any integrity.”

Seems the magic number of accusers is 8, after which that vaunted “integrity” kicks in.

While those political resignations were orchestrated explicitly to weaponize the concept against Roy Moore, who is his own kind of gross, they weren’t the only controversy surrounding a liberal this week.

If you were on social media at the start of this week you probably saw some liberal whining about progressive podcaster Sam Seder being fired by MSNBC over a tweet he’d send years ago making a joke about Roman Polanski. Seder, host of what you have to assume is the ironically named “Majority Report” podcast, was a long-time contributor to the Democratic Party’s unofficial cable “news” network and a favorite of the beta-male set.

Seder’s undoing was a result of a tweet he’d sent in 2009, when liberal Hollywood was attempting, yet again, the rehabilitate child-rapist Polanski. In protest, Seder tweeted, “Don’t care re Polanski, but I hope if my daughter is ever raped it is by an older truly talented man w/a great sense of mise en scene.”

The tweet was unearthed and publicized by alt-righters and MSNBC fired Seder within hours.

Source: TownHall
