April 26, 2024

The Islamification of the US Military

Examine the disastrous effects on our military by pro-islamic policies enacted by the Obama administration.

Cadets at West Point, the military’s future officers, our future generals, are being trained in the fine art of muslim appeasement or dhimmitude. – SICKENING: The Muslim-in-Chief turns West Point Cadets into submissive ‘dhimmis’

At relatively the same time, the generals who would offer those same soldiers practical information regarding our muslim enemies are maligned and labeled extremist by the media and anyone associated with the administration. – William Boykin, Anti-Muslim General, Withdraws From West Point Speech After Outcry

‘Extremist’ speaker withdraws from West Point event after protests

Why did General Boykin withdraw from speaking at the academy? Was the offer withdrawn? Was he intimidated in some way?

Muslim Brotherhood ‘infiltrated’ U.S. gov’t – Lt. Gen. Boykin: Radical Islamist group deep inside defense, national security

How terror-tied Islamic groups infiltrated U.S. military.

Barack Obama: Appeaser-in-Chief – Lara Logan Exposes Obama’s Lies About Islam

The military is even going so far as to relieve from duty teachers who reference islam in a negative way. – Muslim Influence in Pentagon Prevails

Islam 1, Christianity 0 : When the Military Keeps Score

I guess it’s all to be expected since the Obama regime has seen fit to remove all negative depictions from military teaching and training materials. – ‘Anti-Islamic Content’ Banned from Military Training Materials

Sharia in the US Military: Latest Islamic Training Guide for Military and Contractors

Jill Kelley Helped Muslim Nations, Hezbollah Infiltrate Central Command, MacDill Base; “Go To Girl” For Muslim Parties w/ Generals

What Obama and the ones charged with defending US are doing to our country is truly sickening and their actions dishonor every US veteran and lover of freedom. Impeachment isn’t strong enough punishment for the betrayal of trust they exhibit.

And people wonder why I’m so hard on leftists.


Retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, executive vice president of the Family Research Council, told WND’s Greg Corombos that people with connections to the Muslim Brotherhood are in vital positions within every significant area of the U.S. government. He specifically cited high security clearances for such people in the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security.
