May 2, 2024



The flag of Daesh

British Prime Minister David Cameron wants people to start referring to Islamic State terrorists as ‘Daesh‘. In June 2015, the British government requested the BBC to refer to ISIS as ISIL – but they have now renamed the Islamic State for the second time. During a speech in December 2015, Prime Minister Cameron repeatedly referred to the terrorists as Daesh, a word ISIS despises that is being used with increasing frequency. Daesh is an acronym for the Arabic phrase “al-Dawla al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham” (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). Basically, it is another word for ISIS – but apparently one that ISIS militants hate. Why? Because it is similar to the Arabic words ‘Daes,’ ‘one who crushes something underfoot’ and ‘Dahes’, translated as ‘one who sows discord’. President Barack Obama uses all the time ISIL, which means the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The Levant includes a much larger area across the Middle East and North Africa. It wipes out Israel. That is not a good term to use! Since the head of Daesh, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, hates his terror group to be called by this name, we should all use Daesh from now on.

This picture was taken of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi when he was a prisoner at Camp Bucca, Iraq in 2014.

Massimo Calabresi wrote an article entitled “The Terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi the Head of ISIS Exports Extreme Violence and Radical Beliefs around the Globe” which was published in the December 21, 2015 issue of Time magazine. The person of the year selected for 2011 by Time magazine is German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The second runner-up is the monster and self-proclaimed Caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, age 44, leader of Daesh, known also as ISIS, ISIL, and Islamic State.

Calabresi explained that terrorists acting in his name have killed hundreds of innocent people at hotels, mosques, and concert halls from Paris to the Sinai, Beirut to San Bernardino. The head of Daesh has been able to plan and carry out devastating attacks such as the ones in Paris, France on November 13, 2015 that killed I30 people and injured more than 350. Still other terrorists may have had no more connection to him than a declaration of allegiance on Facebook, similar to the one posted by Tashfeen Malik, right before she and her husband killed 14 people and injured many in San Bernardino, California on December 2, 2015. Al-Baghdadi, after breaking away from al-Qaeda, using his Islamic terrorist followers of Daesh has been able to become “a transnational terrorist franchise killing civilians in more than a dozen countries around the world.”

One way of defeating this evil jihadist state is to cut the funding it receives each month. Sadly, many Sunni Persian Gulf nations, which President Obama has included in his ineffective 60 Nation Coalition are still sending money to Daesh, al Nusra Front, and other Sunni terror groups fighting in Syria. Obama must demand that these nations stop funding these terror groups that the United States and its allies are fighting. Unlike Vladimir Putin, who accused the leaders of these nations of funding the Islamic State and the al-Qaeda-linked terror groups, Obama has remained silent. Obama needs to expel from the Coalition any nation or nations that are pretending to be a United States ally and fighting our enemy when their monarchs and others are actually funding these terror groups in Syria.

Calabresi, using as a source IHS Inc., wrote that ISIS receives an estimated $79 million a month to finance its terror operations. Here is how: $34 million in oil and gas, $24 million in confiscation, $17 million in taxes, and $4 million in electricity. This, of course, does not include profits from kidnapping and smuggling, as well, as the gold bars and millions in cash stolen from banks and houses in captured cities such as the jihadists did in Mosul, Iraq.

The world-wide bloodbath of Daesh in 2015

Calabresi pointed out that that Daesh has killed more than 1,200 civilians outside of Iraq and Syria during 2015 while at the same time attracting jihadist recruits from around the world. Each month Daesh loses about 1,000 fighters, 50 to 60 of them suicide bombers used in combat. Al-Baghdadi needs more foreign fighters to replace his losses in combat. Daesh has now established a total of nine provinces outside of Iraq and Syria since June 2014.

The killing machine unleashed by Daesh during 2015 started with the January 7 attack on the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo murdering several of its editors and cartoonists. The following day, Amedy Coulibaly, a terrorist friend of the two Islamic terrorists Charlie Hebdo attackers, received an email from Syria instructing him to “work alone” and “pick the easiest and most certain targets.” Coulibaly shot and killed a policewoman in a Paris suburb on January 8, then assassinated four Jewish shoppers at a kosher market on January 9. French police later found out Coulibaly’s video pledging of allegiance to Daesh.

Later on in January, a Daesh-linked terror group attacked a hotel in Tripoli, Libya, where diplomats and businesspeople were staying. At least nine people were killed, including an American. In March, Daesh took credit for an attack on the national Museum in Tunis, Tunisia that killed 22 people, mostly European tourists. In June, another attack on a Tunisian beach resort killed 38 people, many of them British tourists.

In May, Islamic terrorists from Daesh conquered the Syrian city of Palmyra and after looting artifacts from very important historical archaeological sites to sell in the black market, they destroyed what was left. To make it more dramatic, the bloody Islamic terrorists at Palmyra tied up captured prisoners and blew them up with dynamite next to ancient sculptures.

On October 31, Daesh terrorists planted a bomb on a Russian plane bound for St. Petersburg killing all 224 people on board. The Russian plane flew out of a tourist resort in the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. After this happened, Russia began attacking with more intensity Daesh as well as Syrian moderates supported by the United States. Now Daesh extended its terrorism into the skies.

Abdelhamid Abaaoud of Belgium, who planned the attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015, was killed by French police in a raid. He is shown in this picture holding the Quran and the flag of Daesh.

On November 13, 2015, Paris was hit again by Daesh. Three suicide bombers targeted a soccer match attended by French President François Hollande. This attack was followed a short time later by mass shootings at several restaurants and the killing of 90 people at a concert in the Bataclan Theater. The death toll was 130 with 368 wounded, some of them seriously. Israel has been hit frequently by terrorists during 2015. Islamic terrorists have been stabbing and killing many innocent civilians in Israel.

These Islamic jihadists take their inspiration from the self-proclaimed Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. This bloody murderer has told his followers world-wide: “If you can kill a disbelieving American or European, kill the disbeliever whether he is civilian or military.” This serial assassin interprets the Quran and says to his followers that “all killings must be the will of Allah.” He declared “slavery to be the human condition: Muslim believers are indentured to Allah, while nonbelievers are the rightful property of Muslims.”

Daesh jihadists have been capturing Christian women and turning them into sex slaves after brutally killing their husbands and frequently their children, if the jihadists could not use them as slaves. A United States Special Forces raid in Syria killed a top Daesh logistics officer and captured his wife, Umm Sayyaf. During interrogation, Umm Sayyaf admitted that she ran the operation that turned captured women and girls into sex slaves for Daesh Islamic fighters. She also told investigators that Kayla Mueller, an American aid worker who had been taken captive in Syria in August 2013, was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s personal sex slave, whom he raped and tortured frequently before killing her in early 2015.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was born into a religious devout Muslim lower middle-class Sunni family in Iraq on July 28, 1971 near Samarra, Iraq. His name is Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim al-Badri. Years later he adopted the “nom de guerre” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Massimo Calabresi explained that al-Baghdadi never excelled at religious scholarship but was talented at the recitation of Quranic verses. In college and graduate school, the Islamic terrorist learned the reciting the Quran and he wrote a master’s thesis on a medieval commentary on the subject. Al-Baghdadi joined early on the Muslim Brotherhood which became his route to radicalism. Al-Baghdadi joined one of the Muslim Brotherhood more extreme wings and helped in its organization. He taught recitation and chanted the calls to prayer in his local Baghdad neighborhood.

Calabresi pointed out that “al-Baghdadi’s finishing school in radicalism was unwittingly provided by the United States.” In February 2004, after the invasion of Iraq, al-Baghdadi was arrested with a friend. Al-Baghdadi was taken to the U.S. prison at Camp Bucca, which inadvertently came to serve as an incubator for Sunni jihadism, according to former prison officials. There al-Baghdadi networked with Islamic radicals and built a reputation as a religious leader based on his Islamic studies.

These talents were unknown to the United States officers who judged al-Baghdadi to be a low-risk prisoner. Al-Baghdadi was released at the end of 2004. He returned to the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, where he worked on a doctorate and joined a series of jihadi groups motivated by the fall of the dictator Saddam Hussein.

Calabresi explained the following: “In early 2006, al-Baghdadi found his ultimate home in the Iraqi al-Qaeda offshoot led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a former violent criminal from Jordan whom U.S. forces killed that June. Al-Baghdadi’s nominal religious qualifications and rigid dogmatism carried him quickly through the ranks, and in May 2010, after the U.S. killed the only two men above him, he emerged as the emir… Along with his ambitious territorial goals in the Middle East, al-Baghdadi has elaborated an apocalyptic vision of a final battle between the forces of radical Islam and the West.”

Calabresi finished his article stating that some experts fear that an escalated response by the West may cause al-Baghdadi to accelerate his attacks. Calabresi said the following: “As we see them further diminished in Iraq and Syria, how much are they going to strike out?” asks the senior U.S. national security official. Whatever he does in the coming months and years, al-Baghdadi has made himself the new face of terrorism and target No. 1 in the long struggle to defend humane values. “He has proven to be a pretty effective leader in terms of this overall global jihad,” says the senior Administration official. And that means “there is a significant effort to find him.”


The United States Armed Forces and our allies need to find Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, his top generals and other high-ranking officials and kill them all for the sake of humanity. Once the head of snake that is Daesh is cut off, the rest of the followers will be lost. Obama needs to demand the Muslim Sunni countries to create an effective army to defeat the rest of the jihadists. Additionally, Obama needs to assist the best allies in the area who are the Kurds. Both men and women in the Kurdish militias are very effective fighters. The Kurds deserve to have their own nation.

Obama needs to change radically his no-win strategy. The Pentagon deployment of 100 to 150 United States Special Forces to conduct raids against Daesh in Syria and Iraq is a step on the right direction. But more Special Forces are needed to defeat the jihadists. Additionally, all restrictions need to be removed from the pilots of the United States Air Force. It is incredible that 75% of United States warplanes return to base without shooting at targets because of the terrible rules of engagement set by President Obama.

Even worse was Obama’s prohibition for over a year for United States Air Force to destroy the oil fields, refineries and tankers carrying gasoline that enable Daesh not only to transport its fighters but also to sell gasoline with earnings of about $34 million a month. How can anyone win the war with those incredible and outrageous restrictions imposed by President Obama, who obviously does not want to defeat Daesh? The Pentagon, Congress, and the American people must demand that Obama destroy the diabolical scourge of humanity that is Daesh.



