July 27, 2024

Abolish ICE? Ann Coulter Wants To Disband The FBI.

Ann Coulter is calling for the abolition of the FBI.

While many on the left have called for the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the conservative columnist and bestselling author asserted it was the nation’s top law enforcement agency  that is beyond repair.

“It’s time to disband the FBI. This is not J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI, which was so good that liberals are still hysterical over it,” Coulter said Tuesday on Howie Carr’s syndicated radio show.

“My father was in the bureau for a few years after law school,” she noted. “You not only had to be a lawyer back then in order to be an FBI agent … It wasn’t strictly policy but J. Edgar Hoover, and, of course they were all men, generally preferred Catholics and Mormons on the grounds that were incorruptible. They were very, very honest and you could trust them.”

“And you didn’t really have a lot of trouble under Hoover. We were actually having an enemy in Russia then,” she added.

“I’m pretty sure Strzok is a Catholic, supposedly, but they’re not making Catholics like Pat O’Brien anymore,” Carr said.

He was referring to the affair between FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page, who are married to other people and who were both on the special counsel’s Russia investigation.

They were dismissed from the investigation after their anti-Trump texts became public, including ones in which Strzok called the president a “disaster,” “abysmal,” and an “idiot.” He also assured Page before the 2016 election that Trump would never become president, texting, “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”

Strzok insisted during testimony before Congress last week, “I did not think that bias was expressed in those text messages.”

However, after Page met with lawmakers behind closed doors for a second time, Rep. John Ratcliff, R-Texas, told reporters on Monday, “In many cases, she admits that the text messages mean exactly what they say, as opposed to Agent Strzok, who thinks that we’ve all misinterpreted his own words on any text message that might be negative.”

During Tuesday’s radio interview, Carr asked Coulter if FBI agents shouldn’t be discouraged from acts that could expose them to blackmail, “Like having an affair with a co-worker?”

“Oh my gosh, J. Edgar Hoover never would have allowed that. Never, never, never,” she replied, then laughed loud and long.

Coulter was promoting her new book which she said is called “Resistance is Futile: How The Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind,” and will be released on Aug. 21.

Source: The Daily Caller
