July 27, 2024

Ann Coulter: Liberals Love Convicted Murderers Like Kevin Cooper

I assume it’s overkill to continue listing the evidence against death row inmate Kevin Cooper, duly convicted of committing a quadruple murder back in 1983. The blinding proof of his guilt was covered in last week’s column. To review, this included shoeprint evidence, footprint evidence, cigarette and tobacco evidence, blood evidence and DNA evidence that…

Ann Coulter: Gee, Why Can’t Trump Accept Defeat Like the Democrats?

In 1980, Democratic President Jimmy Carter lost in a landslide to Ronald Reagan, 489-49 in the Electoral College. So naturally, Democrats concluded that Reagan had committed treason in order to steal the election, to wit: His campaign had conspired with Iranian ayatollahs to prevent 52 American hostages from being released until after the election. And…

Ann Coulter: Liberals Hate Trump Because He Represents Americans.

New York Times best-selling author and populist conservative columnist Ann Coulter says President Trump represents what the political Left and establishment media “hate about America, which is Americans” in an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily. In an interview with Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow, Coulter said liberals have used immigration to demographically alter the […]

Abolish ICE? Ann Coulter Wants To Disband The FBI.

Ann Coulter is calling for the abolition of the FBI. While many on the left have called for the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the conservative columnist and bestselling author asserted it was the nation’s top law enforcement agency  that is beyond repair. “It’s time to disband the FBI. This is not J. […]

Ann Coulter: Amazing New Breakthrough to Reduce Mass Shootings.

As fun as it is to ridicule the FBI for devoting massive resources to chasing down Hillary Clinton’s oppo research while blowing off repeated, specific warnings about school shooter Nikolas Cruz, we’ve put a lot on the agency’s plate. We’re hauling in nearly 2 million manifestly unvetted Third World immigrants every year, leading to a […]

Ann Coulter: Media Find Las Vegas Shooter’s Motive: He’s White!

If the media are going to keep wailing about how vital a free press is, could they start reporting stuff? There’s a remarkable number of dangling facts about Stephen Paddock’s mass murder in Las Vegas, which the media have shown little inclination to investigate. It’s almost as if they’re worried that too much investigation will […]

Ann Coulter Lights Wisconsin on Fire for Paul Nehlen Against Paul Ryan: ‘This is It, This is Your Last Chance to Save America’

JANESVILLE, Wisconsin — Twelve-time New York Times bestselling author and conservative columnist and commentator Ann Coulter lit House Speaker Paul Ryan’s hometown on fire in a blistering rebuke of Ryan here on Saturday in which she endorsed Republican businessman Paul Nehlen for Congress. “You are so lucky to be living in this district because it’s […]
