May 8, 2024

Mueller’s Investigation is Unconstitutional – While Crooked Hillary and Dirty Cop Comey Walk Free… AG Sessions Needs to Go!

If Attorney General Sessions was doing his job, corrupt Hillary Clinton and disgraced former FBI Director James Comey would be in jail or in court, the entire Obama Administration would be under investigation for corruption and criminal activities, the leadership in the FBI and DOJ would be behind bars, and MS13 would be eliminated from the US. Instead President Trump faces daily attacks related to totally fictional crimes and the Clintons and Obama run free.  Sessions must resign now!

There has been more than enough time for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to address the many corrupt and criminal activities and individuals within the DOJ and FBI and throughout the government. Instead he has done nothing.  He focuses on weed and MS13 while Hillary runs free.  His actions related to the Mueller investigation result in daily attacks against President Trump and a narrative that could have been totally avoided if the AG did his job.  The DOJ and the FBI are perceived as corrupt entities like those found in banana republics.  It’s now time for deep state operative Sessions to resign.

On Wednesday Paul Manafort’s legal team filed a suit against the DOJ, Mueller and Rosenstein claiming their special investigation is not legal as it goes beyond the mandate of what a special counsel is legally able to partake. The DOJ is under the purview of AG Sessions.  If AG Sessions were doing his job the investigation would have never started but after yesterday’s court filing he surely would have halted the Mueller investigation until it was proven constitutional.  But he is nowhere to be found when it relates to deep state initiatives like the Mueller investigation.

Based on current statutes Manafort’s suit will result in the Mueller investigation being shut down. Manafort argues that the investigation is not legal because it was set up on broader terms than the special counsel mandate provides.  When Rod Rosenstein, gave Mueller the authority to investigate and prosecute “any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation.” That grant of authority is not authorized by DOJ’s special counsel regulations.  (Read the full 17 page complaint here.) AG Sessions should stop Mueller’s investigation now until this verdict is finalized. Why would he allow it to continue knowing there is a good chance it will be shut down in a few months for being illegal?

For months investigations and requests for information from entities like Judicial Watch have been stalled and stymied by the FBI and DOJ.  Who is running these entities?  It should be AG Sessions.  Is he the one ordering that legal requests into the deep state’s activities within the FBI and DOJ be ignored?  Congress has gotten to the point where they are considering putting people in jail and they should.  The efforts by Sessions’ FBI and DOJ to prevent transparency and the free flow of information to Americans and Congress are appalling and must stop.  Sessions has allowed this to happen for far too long.

What other criminal acts are the deep state within the DOJ and FBI committing that are currently going on? What illegal actions are they taking now to cover their tracks?  Is this the major objective of the Mueller investigation – to cover up their illegal activities in the past?

Last week it was uncovered by Judicial Watch that classified emails were found on Hillary’s assistant Huma Abedin’s home computer during Huma’s husband’s investigation for sex crimes. He is now in prison and Huma and Hillary should be.  Huma and Clinton were never charged with any wrong doing related to the crimes of having these emails on a private computer.  Where is Sessions on this?

Yesterday it was reported that Hillary’s emails and the Clinton Foundation are both now under investigation by either the FBI or the DOJ – but who believes these entities with their current corrupt and criminal leadership can even come close to performing objective and independent investigations?

Sessions must go! America needs an AG that can DRAIN THE SWAMP!

Source: The Gateway Pundit
