May 2, 2024

Women’s March Leader Linda Sarsour Arrested.

While protesting for the rights of Dreamers yesterday, one of the leaders of the Women’s March, Linda Sarsour, was arrested outside of Speaker Paul Ryan’s office (via Daily Caller):

Authorities arrested Linda Sarsour at Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s office Monday while demanding Ryan meet with her and others protesting current inaction on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program (DACA) program.

An outspoken Muslim activist, advocate of Sharia law and co-chair of the Women’s March, Sarsour — along with Zahra Billoo and Omar Suleiman, Dawud Walid, Talib Shareef, Nihad Awad and Mujahid Fletcher from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) — were arrested for civil disobedience according to

“We don’t want to live based on fear. We want to live according to the principles of freedom of speech, of religion,” said Fletcher, an immigrant from Columbia who doesn’t want to see DACA end.

Sarsour and her cohorts sought to speak with Ryan about President Donald Trump ending the renewal of the DACA program.

The Trump administration announced six months ago that they would be gradually phasing out the constitutionally questionable DACA program, which began under Obama. The executive order provides a shield from deportation to illegal aliens who were brought over as children if they meet certain criteria. Re-enrollment is every two years and applicants must provide evidence that they’re here illegally.

The government knows where all 800,000 DACA recipients live, which is why mass deportation fears are high. The Trump White House decided on this course of action since a lawsuit brought on by a dozen or so Republican state Attorneys General could have led to an immediate injunction. The six-month enforcement delay was to give Congress to hash out a deal on DACA and pass a legitimate fix. The Democrats decided to play political games and we’re at a legislative stalemate.

Sarsour is also no stranger to controversy. She has called for some “form of Jihad” against the alleged Islamophobes in the White House. She warned parents for them to not watch the GOP debate since it could be harmful to their kids. She said terrorism isn’t an “epidemic” in he Muslim community, despite tens of millions supporting ISIS.

Right now, her Women’s March is facing an anti-Semitism problem, but we’ll get to that later today.

Source: Townhall
