May 2, 2024

At long last, here come the declassified FISA warrants (and more)

We’ve known for almost a month that, according to Joe DiGenova, the process of declassification has been underway for the FISA warrants that enabled spying on the Trump campaign, along with other documents related to the Russiagate fraud.  Now Jonathan Swann of Axios reports that the process is so close to complete that:

President Trump is expected to declassify, as early as this week, documents covering the U.S. government’s surveillance of Trump campaign adviser Carter Page and the investigative activities of senior Justice Department lawyer Bruce Ohr, according to allies of the president.

No matter what the documents reveal, the media will pooh-pooh them as insignificant and will want to move along to fresh stories intended to make the POTUS look crazy, or dangerous, or corrupt, or boorish, or whatever new fantasy they can concoct to throw shade on his tremendous accomplishments in triggering an outright economic boom, a restructuring of trade arrangements to our advantage, and a foreign policy that leads from the front.

I always expected the declassification process to be completed before the midterms.  Those who know what is in the documents have timed the process.  Soon, we will know what they knew.

Source: American Thinker
