May 8, 2024

Dr. Scot Atlas Tells Citizens To ‘Rise Up’ In Face Of Further Lockdowns In Michigan


Dr. Scott Atlas urged people to “rise up” Sunday against new lockdown measures announced by Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Atlas, an adviser to President Donald Trump regarding the pandemic, urged the public to resist lockdown measures on the news that Whitmer had announced a fresh lockdown for her state based on a surge in COVID-19 cases.

Atlas, who is a neuroradiologist, tweeted Sunday regarding Whitmer’s latest lockdown restrictions that “the only way this stops is if people rise up.”

The only way this stops is if people rise up. You get what you accept. #FreedomMatters #StepUp

— Scott W. Atlas (@ScottWAtlas) November 15, 2020

Atlas’s statement was immediately criticized by the media and others, with the Washington Post noting the similarity to President Trump’s tweet in April to “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!” which some believe inspired an alleged plot to kidnap Whitmer herself. Whitmer defended her measures on CNN, stating that she would not “be bullied into not following reputable scientists and medical professionals.”

Atlas followed up the commotion caused by his tweet by stating adamantly he never insinuated violence, but rather encouraged peaceful protests against the governor’s policy.

“Hey. I NEVER was talking at all about violence. People vote, people peacefully protest. NEVER would I endorse or incite violence. NEVER!!” he tweeted.

Hey. I NEVER was talking at all about violence. People vote, people peacefully protest. NEVER would I endorse or incite violence. NEVER!!

— Scott W. Atlas (@ScottWAtlas) November 16, 2020

With the incoming Biden administration considering a national lockdown, there has been renewed focus on whether this is the best way to handle the pandemic. While Whitmer has claimed her state-wide restrictions derive from emergency powers vested in the governor’s office, in October the Michigan Supreme Court ruled her actions unconstitutional. (RELATED: 4-6 Week Nationwide Lockdown Could Curb The Pandemic And Jumpstart The Economy, Biden Covid Advisor Says).

This post originally appeared on and written by:
Andrew Afifian
The Daily Caller 2020-11-17 00:51:00
