May 3, 2024

‘That Is Collective Insanity’: Jesse Watters Says Democrats Care More About ‘Isms’ Than Issues


Fox News host Jesse Watters criticized Democrats during Friday’s broadcast of “The Five,” saying that they cared more about “isms” than about issues.

Watters joined cohost Juan Williams in a conversation about a recent poll, which indicated that Democrats were more concerned about Trump supporters than any other issue. (RELATED: ‘Here’s Some Hush Money’: Jesse Watters Says Pelosi Is Using Stimulus To Pay Federal Workers To ‘Stop Complaining’)


“I was thinking about the poll that indicated that Democrats are worried about Trump supporters,” Williams began, asking whether Watters thought that concern was being fueled by the January 6 riot at Capitol Hill. (RELATED: Poll: Democrats Are More Concerned About Trump Supporters Than White Supremacy, Systemic Racism)

“Do you think they are worried because of what happened January 6th and the concern is it could happen again and you don’t see many Republicans speaking out against it?” he asked.

“If that’s the case, they are idiots,” Watters replied. “They are really worried about little old me? They care more about who their neighbor voted for than they care about, I don’t know, taxes, their kids going to school, their jobs, wages, China? All of those things Democrats don’t care as much about as they care about some guy down the street that pulled the lever for Trump.”

“That’s insane, Juan. I mean, that is collective insanity,” Watters continued, noting that the same poll listed the Democrats’ second and third concerns were white nationalism and systemic racism.

“It’s all isms. All they care about is isms. If you go to the Republican poll, top concern is illegal immigration, second is law and order, and third’s high taxes. So Republicans care about issues, not isms,” Watters concluded, arguing that something might get done if people started worrying more about policies than about their emotions.

This post originally appeared on and written by:
Virginia Kruta
The Daily Caller 2021-02-27 01:45:00
