May 2, 2024

The Globalist War on Humanity and Nudging

Common Core Goes GlobalThe globalist war on humanity continues. The billionaire crowd of the World Economic Forum and U.N. cohorts are attacking humans from every angle because their goal is to reduce the global population to a billion by any means necessary in order to “save” the planet from an imagined Armageddon hundreds of years from now. They are putting in danger 345 million poor people who cannot afford to eat and heat their homes due to escalating energy prices, prices made so high through political decisions toward fossil fuels created by President Biden in his first day in office.

“A new United Nations report on hunger shows that the number of acutely hungry worldwide is increasing as fuel and food prices soar. The war in Ukraine has intensified the crisis.” (345 million ‘marching to the brink of starvation’, July. 7. 2022)

Currently, it appears that the green politicians and billionaires from developed nations are causing world-wide famine

Human behavior is regulated and controlled by a small group of people who know better what is best for humanity in order to sustain life on planet Earth which is an imagined danger. Such dire predictions have been made constantly for the past hundred of years, none of them proven true, all of them based on computer modeling and assumptions made by persons who do not have the scientific qualifications to make such dire predictions.

According to some, the global population would serve the future planet best at half a billion or a billion people. What exactly are they planning for the other 6-7 billion humans?

Paul Ehrlich wrote in 1968 his book, “The Population Bomb,” advocating for a “green revolution” as a way to avoid world-wide famine. He wrote that “in the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.”

As I remember the 1970s, the western economies did well and nobody starved to death. On the other hand, people living under communism in various countries did suffer from hunger and malnutrition due to poor economic planning and political ideology. Currently, it appears that the green politicians and billionaires from developed nations are causing world-wide famine.

Ehrlich argued that there cannot be more people on Earth than we can feed. “Clearly, other things being equal, fewer people will do less damage to the planet.” … “Population growth puts increased pressure on everything else …”

One of the subtle goals of U.N. Agenda 21/2030 has been to “nudge” people to behave the way globalists think we should behave

One of the subtle goals of U.N. Agenda 21/2030 has been to “nudge” people to behave the way globalists think we should behave. Nudge is a concept in behavioral economics and other fields.

The nudge concept was popularized in the 2008 book, Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein. Nudge units exist at the national level as well as international level such as World Bank, United Nations, and the European Commission.

If nudging is unsuccessful, authorities move to unsustainable rhetoric, change economic policy to affect pricing, supply and demand, tax the undesirable behavior, and enforce punishments for those who violate directives.

One example of nudging, presented as helping consumers save energy and money on gas bills, came from our gas company. They compared our gas use to other homes in the area (shaming or praising) and attempted to “explain” why our gas use was higher than the previous year, i.e., “using more hot water than usual or a long-term guest may have raised your energy use.” There was no mention of the fact that temperatures may have been colder or that older people cannot afford to drop temperature in their homes 5-8 degrees F from 68 degrees recommended because they would get sick.

Such intrusion disguised as a home energy report raised alarm bells in my mind. I recognize this nudging and shaming/praising because in my former life under communism, activists would visit homes and urge wearing extra layers of clothing in frigid temperatures inside our apartments, all for the good of the country. The commies in power were warm in their abodes. No matter how little gas or water we received on the strict daily schedule, we were using too much, they said.

War in Ukraine and deliberate policies from Washington to make fossil fuels scarce , very expensive in order to usher green energy, have made people in poor countries even poorer and downright desperate

As good citizens, the communists told us, we were to sacrifice more – cook less, bathe less, and shiver, they said. “We are building a socialist man.” Eventually, they were not nudging us anymore; they were threatening us with punishment if we did not comply like good little collectivists.

The war in Ukraine and deliberate policies from Washington to make fossil fuels scarce and very expensive in order to discourage consumption and make room for their green energy, wind and solar, have made people in poor countries even poorer and downright desperate. For example, in Romania, energy prices are huge. The minimum income is $400-500 per month, yet the average December natural gas bill and electricity were a combined 2,900 lei, approximately $750.

Before the U.S. became a crony capitalist economy protected by the political class, goods and services were delivered abundantly, based on supply and demand, and a company did not care how much consumers used any product or service as long as they paid for them. We certainly had plenty of natural gas, there was no shortage until the “green” globalists decided to advance their green energy agenda to the detriment of fossil fuels.

The insidious side of nudging may not be obvious to the young and old who prefer a communist economy to a capitalist economy. But they must be careful what they wish for. Once they are under globalist [read communist] control fully, it will be impossible to vote it out at the increasingly globalist-controlled ballot box.


