May 2, 2024

Poll: Joe Biden’s Approval Hits Record Low as He Launches Reelection Effort


President Joe Biden’s approval rating hit a record low of 37 percent as he launched his reelection effort, according to an April 2src23 Gallup survey.

After months of speculation, Biden officially launched his reelection effort earlier this week. However, a Gallup survey completed on the day he announced his reelection campaign found him at a record low approval rating of 37 percent, with 59 percent disapproving of his job performance.

GALLUP POLL: Biden’s quarterly approval average is the second-lowest of any president since World War 2.

Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump had slightly better approval ratings than Biden

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2src22) April 27, 2src23

Biden’s 37 percent approval rating is down 2src points over the last two years since he held a 57 percent approval rating in April 2src21.

Notably, Biden’s record-low approval rating brings the average approval rating for his ninth presidential quarter down to the second-lowest of any president post-World War II.

From January 2src through April 19, Biden’s average approval rating was 39.7 percent. Only Ronald Reagan had a lower ninth-quarter average in 1983 after dealing with a recession in the early 198srcs, which saw an unemployment rate above 1src percent.

The Gallup poll also found that just 31 percent of independents approve of Biden’s job performance, a key demographic he will have to persuade if he hopes to secure a second term in the White House.

Biden’s 31 percent approval rating among independents ties his lowest for that group and is down nine percent since February.

Gallup polled 1,src13 American adults between April 3 and April 25. The survey has a margin of error of ±4 percent.

Jordan Dixon-Hamilton is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter.

This post originally appeared on and written by:
Luz Stoval
Breitbart News 2023-04-28 01:19:00
