May 2, 2024

Nancy Pelosi’s Holy Week foot-washing political stunt blasted as ‘shameful, sacrilegious’

Twitter users and conservative media critics are blasting Nancy Pelosi for “politicizing Holy Week” by joining a Holy Thursday foot-washing ceremony that included two immigrant children.

Brent Bozell III, president of the watchdog group Media Research Center, told MRC subsidiary CNS News that Pelosi “turned a sacred religious tradition into a grandstanding political publicity stunt.”

Did she ever.

The former House speaker (God help us) joined an Episcopal bishop at St John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in San Francisco to perform the ceremony, which re-enacts the Last Supper scene where Jesus washed the feet of the disciples to teach the lesson that even the greatest should serve others humbly.

In Pelosi’s case, the ceremony included two children of immigrants, which Pelosi’s office humbly announced to the press was intended to “honor the dignity and work of immigrants.”

And Pelosi’s so humble, she promptly tweeted a picture of the event, which she humbly used to push HR-15, an immigration reform bill.

Honored to be in the Mission to assist Bishop Andrus as he washes the feet of immigrant families.

— Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) April 17, 2014

Twitter users were quick to pounce.

Bozell, a Catholic, said Pelosi’s pretense of faith when it serves liberal causes — immigration reform — is insulting to believers. (Kind of like Joe Biden’s spurious Catholic “social justice” talk during the vice presidential debate in 2012.)

“I am a Catholic and I am offended at Minority Leader Pelosi’s continued abuses of the Catholic Church’s teachings and traditions.  As a Catholic who has watched Ms. Pelosi champion one anti-Catholic cause after another, I believe this to be sacrilegious,” he said.

“Christ taught the washing of the feet as an act of utter humility, while she turned a sacred religious tradition into a grandstanding political publicity stunt. Ms. Pelosi’s politicizing of Holy Week is sickening and shameful.”

But for some Twitter users, mordant humor was the only response.

— NoBama452012 (@NoBama452012) April 17, 2014
