May 5, 2024

Eric Holder Just Sent This Threatening Letter To All Public Schools

Photo Credit: Facebook/Remove the Idiot Eric Holder from Office!

Along with the Department of Education, Eric Holder’s Justice Department is reminding public schools in no uncertain terms that they are obligated to provide all children with an education regardless of their immigration status.

In an apparent attempt to clarify existing guidelines, the federal government sent a letter to schools indicating the agencies are “aware of student enrollment practices that may chill or discourage the participation, or lead to the exclusion, of students.”

The letter emphasizes how loose the restrictions are regarding what type of documentation schools are required to accept, basically meaning there is no excuse for questioning why a child obviously in the country illegally is receiving taxpayer-funded schooling and/or child care.

“We want to be sure every school leader understand the legal requirements under the Constitution and federal laws,” the letter states, “and it is our hope that this update will address some of the misperceptions out there.”

One is hard pressed, however, to find any mention of the government’s responsibility to provide free education to criminal inhabitants within the structure of the U.S. Constitution. In any case, the letter goes on to spell out requirements in no uncertain terms.

“The message here is clear,” it read, “let all children who live in your district enroll in your public schools.”

Parents of children with only a foreign birth certificate are given ample leeway in providing alternative ‘documentation,’ including an entry in a family Bible, for instance.

Holder and other leftist leaders are determined to integrate illegals completely into society to the extent that actually holding them accountable for their crimes would not only be nearly impossible, but in itself an illegality.

Ensuring the next generation of criminals is indoctrinated within the public school system is one vital step in achieving that goal.

Photo Credit: Facebook/Remove the Idiot Eric Holder from Office!
