May 5, 2024

Obama in Violation of the Constitution Re-establishes Relations with Cuba

On December 17, 2014, President Barack Obama unilaterally reestablished diplomatic relations with Cuba in violation of the Helms-Burton law and the Constitution. The surprise announcement came at the end of 18 months of secret talks behind the backs of Congress and the American and Cuban people.

In June 2013, Obama sent two White House officials, Benjamin J. Rhodes and Ricardo Zúñiga, to meet in secret with Cuban officials and begin negotiations. Nine meetings were held, most of them in Canada, which has diplomatic relations with Cuba. Once again, Americans were left in the dark while the corrupt and deceptive Obama administration decided to help the anti-American terrorist and corrupt oppressive Cuban regime. To minimize criticism, Obama’s announcement was made after Congress had adjourned for the Christmas holidays. Pope Francis encouraged the negotiations. Unfortunately, the Pope did not demand, as neither did Obama, that the tyrant Raúl Castro respect human rights, hold free and fair elections, and release all political prisoners.

The day that Obama made the abominable announcement of normalizing relations with the tyranny that has oppressed the Cuban people for 56 years, the price of a barrel of oil was $55.93. The Venezuelan communist regime cannot survive unless the price of a barrel of oil is at least $130. The communist regime receives 94% of its income from oil exports. Since the price of oil is expected continue being very low in 2015 and beyond, as the result of increased oil production in the United States, Venezuela is about to go bankrupt.

Communist Cuba depends on the free oil that it receives from Venezuela to survive. It was for this reason that the Cuban dictator Raúl Castro started an aggressive campaign in the United States with communist officials of the Obama administration, as well as communist members of Congress and other useful idiots, to lift the embargo and to be recognized diplomatically. The Cuban tyrant knew that without the help of the United States the communist regime would also go bankrupt and that a change of government could possibly take place in Cuba.

Barack Obama, who has admired Fidel Castro for many years together with his preacher of 20 years of the United Church of Christ in Chicago, Jeremiah Wright, and his many communist friends, finally achieved his dream of helping the communist regime of Cuba. Obama stated in his speech that he did not want “the sanctions against Cuba to push the island into an abysm.” Obama forgets that the one that pushed Cuba into the abysm was the communist dictatorship of Cuba and not the United States.

By recognizing Cuba and partially destroying the Cuban embargo, Barack Obama has thrown a lifesaver and given oxygen to the Cuban dictatorship that now will be able to continue to jail opponents, assassinate and shoot freedom-loving Cubans, and continue to oppress 12 million people.

Obama ignored the fact that Fidel Castro pleaded Nikita Khrushchev to launch a surprise nuclear attack upon the United States during the 1962 October Missile Crisis. Obama is unaware or does not care that Fidel Castro may have been involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Lastly, Obama is unaware or does not care that the sadist and serial killer, Ernesto “Che” Guevara, shot over 2,000 children and men in the first few months of 1959 when he was placed in charge of the La Cabaña prison in Havana. Later, when Che came to speak at the United Nations, he planned with Cuban terrorists in New York City to blow up the Statue of Liberty and other places, but fortunately the FBI discovered the plot and was able to stop it.

The bloody dictatorship in Cuba has shot or assassinated more than 14,000, jailed over 300,000, and is responsible for the deaths of over 80,000 Cubans who have drawn or been devoured by sharks while desperately trying to cross in rafts and small boats the dangerous Straits of Florida. The brutal regime has attacked boats trying to escape from the Island prison that is Cuba killing many freedom-loving Cubans.

The worst tragedy occurred on July 13, 1994. A boat carrying over 50 people trying to escape at night just a few miles from Havana was discovered and it was rammed by three Cuban coast guard ships. The inhume naval personnel used large hoses to drawn those trying to escape while desperately begging for mercy. A total of 37 people died, including 10 children. I met a man who lost 10 members of his family, including his grandchildren. He was a speaker at a meeting of the Junta Patriótica Cubana. We were commemorating the worst crime committed by the bloody dictatorship at sea. All of us in the audience cried as we heard the brutal assassination of the family of this unfortunate man. Just two days before Obama’s shameful announcement, another boat was similarly attacked and rammed killing one man while the rest were taken to jail.

At this time, there are tens of thousands former political prisoners, such as myself, who live in the United States. We feel betrayed and abandoned by Obama as he unilaterally restored relations with the inhumane communist Cuba.



Cuba will continue to work with enemies of the United States, such as Venezuela, Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. Barack Obama has sold out the Cuban people in their quest for freedom and democracy. The Cuban people have been fighting for 56 years to establish democracy and a constitutional Republic in Cuba that would respect human rights. Indeed, December 17, 2014 is a day that would live in infamy!

Obama did not complain when communist Cuba sent a ship full of heavy weapons, including several MiG aircraft, in violation of the arms embargo of the Security Council of the United Nations. Obama did not complain when the Cuban Occupation Army assassinated and tortured students and others who peacefully demonstrated in many cities in Venezuela. Obama did not complain when Russia announced that it plans to build military and naval bases in Cuba. None of these will change by assisting the Cuban dictatorship to improve economically. Quite the contrary, it will make Cuba a stronger nation to continue to act against the interests of the United States and threaten our security. Cuba has biological weapons and cyber warfare capabilities. It also has served as a center to spy our nation. Cuba has shipped all type of drugs to our nation working with Colombian drug cartels. Cuba has sent people to steal millions from Medicare and once they are discovered are given asylum back in Cuba.

As usual, Obama gave away the store. The Cuban regime will be strengthened and the Cuban people will continue to suffer. There is nothing in Obama’s deal with Cuba that would further democracy and human rights in that unfortunate island. Obama did not demand that the Cuban dictators Fidel and Raúl Castro free all political prisoners, respect human rights, or hold free and transparent elections.

Barack Obama decided that it was time to appease another brutal dictator by opening up relations with Cuba after a fifty-year embargo. This is another bad deal for America. Where are Cuba’s concessions on human rights, political prisoners, and freedom of speech?  Where are its promises of real economic change for the people?  Where are its open, honest elections?  What will be done about its association with and support of terrorist organizations or regimes? Senator Marco Rubio calls Obama “the single worst negotiator we have had in the White House in my lifetime.”

Obama is under the illusion that increasing commerce in Cuba would bring democracy and respect for human rights. All that Obama needs to do is look at the example of China. When the United States and the West began to trade with China and build factories and research and development centers, which helped that country to become the largest economy in the world, they were under the illusion that this country would become a democracy. Today China is a totalitarian dictatorship where human rights are being violated constantly and that has become a serious threat to our national security. The same thing will happen in communist Cuba if the United States strengthens the bloody regime.

Obama, if he wanted to bring democracy to Cuba, could have sought regime change in Cuba. Obama could have left the Cuban regime to go bankrupt when Venezuela no longer could provide free oil and thus provoke an internal revolt. In the meantime, Obama could have protected the courageous peaceful opponents in Cuba, who are beaten up, jailed, and tortured by the secret police of the regime. But Obama has decided to pursue a policy of helping and keeping the Castro brothers in power and simply hope that changes ensue Cuba. It simply will not work.

President Obama stated the following in the White House: “We will end an outdated approach that for decades has failed to advance our interests, and instead we will begin to normalize relations between our two countries… These 50 years have shown that isolation has not worked. It’s time for a new approach.” Obama stated in a television from the White House that his action will “begin a new chapter among the nations of the Americas” and move away from a “rigid policy that is rooted in events that took place before most of us were born.”

Obama has violated the Constitution since he assumed power in January 2009. He is a lawless president who has committed more crimes in six years than any other president in history. Obama’s unilateral and shameful actions with respect to Cuba are just the latest in a series of unilateral actions that he has taken without consent of Congress and in violation of the separation of powers of the branches of the Constitution.

Last month, Obama announced he would grant temporary amnesty to almost five million undocumented immigrants and announced a dreadful agreement by which the United States would cut carbon emissions while China promises to cut them in the future. Obama is the worst and weakest negotiator in history and his deal with the oppressive and sanguinary communist dictatorship of Cuba is just the latest of these outrageous agreements.

The United States will ease restrictions on remittances, travel, and banking while Cuba will allow more Internet access and release 53 Cubans identified as political prisoners by the United States. Although whatever is left of the embargo will continue, the president called for an “honest and serious debate about lifting” it, which would require an act of Congress. Of course, the Republican majority in Congress will not lift whatever is left of the Cuban embargo. There will be 54 Republicans in the Senate and 247 Republicans in the House of Representatives to oppose the lifting of whatever is left of the embargo. However, Obama will do everything possible to undermine what is left of the embargo through more executive orders, or a new and easier form of violating the Constitution, executive memos..

The White House took several major steps as part of their “New Course on Cuba”:

  1. Diplomatic relations will be re-established, including a U.S. embassy in Havana, and a Cuban embassy in the United States. Under Obama’s plan, the Castro dictatorship will be able to open an embassy in Washington, D.C., which will function as a major base of spying operations in addition to its United Nations mission. The so-called Cuban Interests Section currently operates as Castro’s embassy in Washington and is a front for the Cuban intelligence service, the DGI.
  1. Secretary of State John Kerry will review Cuba’s designation as a state sponsor of terrorism. In 1982, Cuba was designated at a state sponsor of terrorism.
  1. By relaxing regulations, the flow of travel, commerce, and information between the United States and Cuba will be facilitated. Certain items that supported the Cuban private sector will be allowed to be exported, including certain building materials and agriculture equipments. Certain telecommunication items in Cuba will be allowed to be exported. Companies will be allowed to establish infrastructure. Licensed American travelers will be able to import $400 worth of goods (including $200 in tobacco and alcohol).
  2. United States institutions will be able to open accounts at Cuba´s financial institutions. Travelers to Cuba would be allowed to use American credit and debit cards. United States entities in third countries will be allowed to engage in transactions and meetings with Cuban individuals in third countries.
  3. There will be no limits with respect to remittances being send to close relatives in Cuba.

Obama To Unilaterally Normalize Relations With Cuba

President Obama announces his new policy on Cuba from the White House.

However, a formal end to the embargo has not occurred. The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996, also known as the Helms-Burton law, requires Cuba to hold free and transparent elections, abolish its secret police, respect human rights, and free all political prisoners. The measures announced by Obama will allow the administration to increase the United States ties with Cuba before it approaches Congress to request the lifting of sanctions. For example, lifting all restrictions on travel, including for tourists, would require removal of the Helms-Burton law.

Discussions between U.S. and Cuban officials will continue into the next year. Obama will attend the April 2015 summit of the Organization of American States serving as the largest public forum during which the two sides can meet. Obama will again shake the bloody hands of, and perhaps embrace, the tyrant Raúl Castro. It is important to remember that when Raúl Castro came down from the Sierra Maestra mountains and captured the second largest city of Cuba, Santiago de Cuba, he shot many people without a trial in order to implant terror among the Cuban population. Raúl Castro is a murderer.

Raúl Castro spoke on Cuban television at the same time that Obama was speaking to the nation. Prior to the appearances of the two leaders, Obama and Raúl Castro held a 45-minute telephone conversation. The bloody Cuban dictator stated the following: “We have been able to make headway in the solution of some topics of mutual interest for both nations. President Obama’s decision deserves the respect and acknowledgment of our people. This in no way means that the heart of the matter has been resolved. The economic, commercial, and financial blockade, which causes enormous human and economic damages to our country, must cease. Progress made in our exchanges proves that it is possible to find solutions to many problems.”

Pope Francis played a vital role in the rapprochement.


Pope Francis played a vital role in the rapprochement.

The exchange of Alan Gross for the three Cuban spies

Even worse than the exchange of the five high-ranking Taliban from Guantánamo for an American sergeant, who abandoned his post in Afghanistan, was the exchange of Alan Gross, an American who had committed no crime in any civilized nation and had been held as a hostage in prison for over five years in Cuba. Alan Gross, a foreign aid contract worker, was imprisoned by the Castro regime for trying to help members of the Jewish community in Havana to communicate with the outside world. The innocent Alan Gross was traded for the three remaining spies left in jail in the United States. This represented a major victory for the Cuban communist regime since for a number of years ago the Cuban dictator called these spies “heroes” and demanded that they be released from prison in the United States. Alan Gross arrived at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. As a former political prisoner, I am delighted that Alan Gross returned home.

Alan Gross’s wife, Judy, was with him when he left Cuba.



FREED: (from left to right) Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, and Ramón Labañino are three Cuban spies released by President Barack Obama in exchange for the return of prisoner Alan Gross. Hernández was given two life sentences for conspiring to shoot down the small airplanes flown by four Americans of Cuban descent working for Brothers to the Rescue.

The “Cuban five” were affiliated with the Cuban intelligence service and the “Wasp Network,” whose purpose included penetrating U.S. military facilities and transmitting information about the operations of the facilities and layouts to Cuba, and infiltrating Cuban-American groups. One of the “Cuban five,” Gerardo Hernández, was convicted to life imprisonment in a trial in Miami of conspiracy to commit murder in the deaths of four Americans of Cuban descent who were members of Brothers to the Rescue.

The four were shot while in the air in their small propeller planes in international waters by Cuban two MiGs after a spy alerted Cuba of their plans. One airplane escaped. Fidel and Raúl Castro gave the order to assassinate the pilots while flying in these planes. This horrendous crime, however, has been unpunished and now obviously forgiven by the traitor who lives in the White House.

Cuban American members of Congress and the families of the assassinated pilots of Brothers to the Rescue expressed outrage


From left to right, former Congressman Lincoln Díaz-Balart, Cuban dissident Iris Tamara Pérez, Senator Marco Rubio, and U.S. Representatives Mario Díaz-Balart and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen address reporters during a press conference in Miami on December 18, 2014. They were joined by relatives of the four Brothers to the Rescue pilots who were killed when the two Cuban MiGs shot down their planes in 1996.

Asked about a poll that suggest that support for the embargo has diminished, Senator Marco Rubio, an embargo supporter, said the poll does not tell the whole story. Senator Rubio stated the following: “First of all, on issues of deep principle — such as human rights, dignity and democracy — that we should take our cues from a poll. Secondly, we have a poll every two years in this state. It’s called ‘elections.’ As far as I can tell, every one of our members of Congress who has been elected in those districts agrees with my position — and I with their position — on this issue.”

I know several of the relatives of the Cuban Americans who were assassinated in response to the order given by Fidel and Raúl Castro. Like them, I am outraged at the actions of the traitor who lives in the White House for releasing the three spies. During the press conference, Miriam de la Peña, mother of one of the young pilots who was shot down, said the following as she cried: “I feel that I have been slapped in the face by the president. I feel that the justice system of the United States has suffered a big blow.” Of course, she was absolutely right!




Barack Obama and his new friend, the bloody Cuban dictator Raúl Castro.

Criticism of Obama´s illegal actions with respect to the Cuban communist regime

Republicans, along with a senior Democratic senator, denounced the rapprochement with the bloody dictatorship of the Castro brothers as appeasement. Republican lawmakers, who will take control of the Senate as well as the House next month, made clear that they would resist lifting the 54-year-old trade embargo. Senator Marco Rubio and two other potential Republican candidates for president joined in the criticism. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas called it a “very, very bad deal,” while former Governor Jeb Bush of Florida said it “undermines the quest for a free and democratic Cuba.”

Democratic Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, the outgoing chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, who has always been a strong supporter of the Cuban embargo, said the following: “It is a fallacy that Cuba will reform just because the American president believes that if he extends his hand in peace, that the Castro brothers suddenly will unclench their fists.” Democratic Senator Bob Menendez, who is Cuban-born, reacted to Obama’s announcement by saying the following: “It is an extremely dangerous precedent. It invites dictatorial and rogue regimes to use Americans serving overseas as bargaining chips. I fear that today’s actions will put at risk the thousands of Americans that work overseas to support civil society, advocate for access to information, provide humanitarian services, and promote democratic reforms.”

Senator Marco Rubio, Republican from Florida, promised to block Obama’s future ambassador in Havana.

Senator Marco Rubio called Obama “the single worst negotiator we have had in the White House in my lifetime.” Of course, he was right since Obama did not receive any meaningful concession from the Cuban dictatorship. The United States gave Cuba what it wanted and received nothing in return!

Javier Manjares posted in Shark Tank on December 18, 2014 the strong criticisms of Senator Marco Rubio. Responding to President Obama’s normalization of relations with the bloody, oppressive, murderous, narco-trafficking, state sponsor of terrorism Cuban communist dictatorial regime Cuban, Senator Marco Rubio, stated that the president’s irresponsible deal only serves to legitimize the decades of human rights atrocities, including the murders of hundreds, if not thousands, of political dissidents, by the Castro regime. Manjares wrote that Senator Rubio stated the following: “Obama not only has American blood on his hands because of his weak and failed foreign policy in the Middle East, but now you can add the blood of all those victims of the Castro regime, and from the victims in other countries that the Castro’s have influenced and propped up. One of these countries is Venezuela, where Cubans have stood with Chavez, and now Maduro’s thugs to silence the freedoms of the Venezuelan people”.

Senator Marco Rubio expressed the sentiments of many Cubans in the United States and in Cuba who support democracy by stating the following: “The entire policy shift is based on the illusion—in fact, on the lie—that more commerce and access to money and goods will translate to political freedom for the Cuban people. Cuba already enjoys access to commerce, money and goods from other nations, and yet the Cuban people are still not free. They are not free because the regime—just as it does with every aspect of life—manipulates and controls to its own advantage all currency that flows into the island. More economic engagement with the U.S. means that the regime’s grip on power will be strengthened for decades to come—dashing the Cuban people’s hopes for freedom and democracy.”

Secretary of State John Kerry said that he would be the first Secretary of State to travel to Cuba and that the Obama administration was looking to build an embassy on the island. A major problem for Obama and Kerry is that in January 2015 there will be 54 Republican senators. Any ambassador to Cuba will need confirmation by the Senate. Senator Rubio said, “Not only will I vote against it, but I reserve the right to do everything within the rules of the Senate to prevent that sort of individual from ever even coming up for a vote.”

The Role of The Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg Group (BG), and the Trilateral Commission (TC) in Obama’s new Cuba policy

On May 19, 2014, 46 powerful business people, former politicians, and government officials, among them 17 Hispanic (mostly Cuban Americans) wrote an open letter to the president requesting to end the embargo. This letter was rejected by anti-communist Cuban Americans in the United States and by almost all of the opponents of the tyranny in Cuba. Among this group are 15 individuals who belong to the three powerful organizations that are so influential in the United States and the world, the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission (TC), and the Bilderberg Group (BG).

This is why a secret and well-coordinated campaign went on for several months which involved multiple editorials in The New York Times and other newspapers controlled by these powerful elitist globalists demanding an end to the embargo, releasing the three remaining spies, and restoring diplomatic relations with Cuba. It was all about money, without regards to the immense suffering of the Cuban people. They know that what Obama did will help the tyranny to remain in power for years to come with Raúl Castro’s very powerful son, Coronel Alejandro Castro, waiting to take over. All the multinationals want is to increase their profits using the slave labor in Cuba, a country 90 miles from the U.S. How horrible and disgusting!

All of these individuals want to make Cuba the China of the Caribbean by building factories in the Island where workers receive salary of $20 a month and there are no unions or any other human rights. The fact the workers in Cuba are oppressed and exploited by the bloody dictatorship is of no concern to the multinational corporations that want to move into te Island to maximize profits.

These multinationals that built factories in China did not care about the oppressed Chinese workers and their miserable wages nor about environmental violations of that nation. However, now that China is much stronger economically and militarily, the dictator Xi Jinping is demanding higher salaries for the Chinese and more concessions from the multinationals. Cuba offered a unique opportunity. With the Cuban economy seriously at risk due to the imminent bankruptcy of Venezuela, Cuban dictator Raúl Castro wanted to mend fences to the United States to save his brutal regime.

Brazil invested $980 million to make the port of Mariel one of the best in the world with modern gigantic cranes, rail, etc to accommodate large containers ships. Everything was prepared for the change of U.S. policy towards Cuba.

The following are the most powerful individuals in our nation who are a part the elitist groups (some belong to the three groups) and who were responsible for the measures taken by Obama:

David Rockefeller [BG, TC, and CFR] – Honorary member of the Council of the Americas and one of the most powerful individuals in our nation and the world.

Richard Feinberg [BG and CFR] – Former White House Official on Latin America and professor at the University of California in San Diego.

Dan Glickman [BG and CFE] – Former Secretary of Agriculture and former congressman from Kansas.

Lee Hamilton [BG, TC, and CFR] – Former chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committee and Intelligence Committee.

Jane Harman [TC and CFR] – Former United States representative.

John Negroponte [TC and CFR] – Former Deputy Secretary of State and former Director of the National Intelligence Agency.

Ambassador Thomas Pickering [BG, TC, and CFR] – Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. He participating in the Benghazi cover-up when he was appointed by Secretary Clinton to a panel and the conclusion favored Clinton.

Susan Segal [CFR] – President and CEO of Americas Society/Council of the Americas.

Anne-Marie Slaughter [TC and CFR] – President and CEO of New America Foundation and former Director for Policy Planning of the Department of State.

Admiral James Stavridis [CFR] – Former Head of the Southern Command of the United States from 2006 to 2009, former Supreme Allied Commander de NATO from 2009 to 2013, Dean of Fletcher School at Tufts University.

Alan Stoga [CFR] – President and Founder of Zemi Communications and Vice President of Americas Society.

Strobe Talbott [TC and CFR] – Brookings Institution, former Deputy Secretary of State.

Arturo Valenzuela [CFR] – Former Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and professor of government and international relations at Georgetown University.

Alexander Watson [CFR] – Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs.

George Weiksner [CFR] – Vice President of Credit Suisse.

The Council of Foreign Relations

Daniel Estulin wrote The Bilderberg Group (2009), a book that has been translated into 48 languages and sold in over 67 countries. He discussed the three powerful organizations that have been already mentioned: the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), the Trilateral Commission (TC), and the Bilderberg Group (BG).

The Council of Foreign Relations is a think tank. Its website explains the following: “The CFR is dedicated to increasing America´s understanding of the world and contributing ideas to U.S. foreign policies. The Council accomplishes this mainly by promoting constructive close debates and discussions, clarifying world issues, and publishing the Foreign Affairs magazine.” Other writers describe the CFR as the invisible government of the United States.

Colonel Edward M. House, who was the chief advisor and the power behind the throne of President Woodrow Wilson from 1913 to 1921, was one of the founders of the CFR in 1921. According to Estulin, Colonel House was a Marxist and wanted a one world government. He supported the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, (which is not federal and has no reserves and is a banking cartel) and the passing of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution, which introduced the graduated income tax. Colonel House also wrote the plan for the League of Nations. From the very beginning, the members of the CFR wanted to form a one world government with a centralized global financing system. It attracted capitalists, socialists, opportunists, and some idealists.

The Rockefeller and the Carnegie foundations financed the organization. All members were sworn to secrecy. Even though top executives from all major newspapers and magazines and later television channels participated in the meetings, no one reported about what took place and what decisions were reached.

Estulin wrote that one of the earliest critics of the CFR was the mayor of New York City, John F. Hylan, who stated in a speech in 1922 the following: “The real menace of our republic is the invisible government, which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state, and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually runs our government for their own selfish ends.”

The CFR is located in the Harold Pratt House on the corner of Park Avenue and 68th Street in New York City. The building was donated by the widow of an heir to the Standard Oil Rockefeller fortune. There are over 4,000 members who belong to the CFR. However, only a small group of an inner circle is in charge of this organization.

Members of CFR have included several former U.S. presidents: Herbert Hoover, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Richard M. Nixon, Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. However, the presidents who do not belong to the CFR, as well as those who do, name CFR members to their most important cabinet positions (such as the secretaries of State, Defense, and Treasury). All presidents have also appointed CFR members to the Joint Chiefs of Staff , the CIA, and other important White House positions, such as director of the National Security Council.

The CFR membership is made up of former ambassadors, cabinet officers, bankers, CEOs of multinational corporations, industrialists, high ranking armed force officers, media owners and editors and important reporters, university presidents and key professors, Supreme Court justices, federal judges, think-tank leaders, wealthy Wall Street investors, and entrepreneurs. A very powerful member who has served as president of the CFR is David Rockefeller.

The Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg Group (BG) was founded in 1954 by Polish-born Joseph Retinger to promote a greater understanding between Europe and the United States. The organizers met at the Hotel Bilderberg for a three-day meeting in Oosterbeek, Netherlands and that is why it received that name.

A founding member was German-born ex Nazi Prince Bernhard, husband of Queen Juliana of Holland. During the first meeting, very powerful individuals from the United States and Europe decided that the group would decide all issues regarding the political and economic policies that their nations would follow. They also decided the strategies they would follow for ruling the world and eventually create a planetary one government.

Since 1954, the Bilderbergers have met annually in different cities in Europe, Canada, and the United States. The members of the BG have represented the wealthy elite of the Western World: bankers, industrialists, financiers, prime ministers, presidents, monarchs, key politicians, owners of the media, presidents of the European Union, presidents of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, chairmen of the Federal Reserve Bank and presidents of European central bankers, secretary generals of NATO, important cabinet members, and military leaders. Like the CFR, the BG meetings are secret.

All U.S. presidents since Eisenhower have belonged to the BG global ruling class or have sent representatives to the meetings. David Rockefeller, the billionaire banker and former president of the Council of Foreign Relations, was one of the founders of the Bilderberg Group. He later founded the Trilateral Commission. He has always advocated for a global government. In his book, Memoirs (2003), he stated the following: “Some even believe we are a part of the secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure-one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, I am proud of it.”

From the creation of the BG, various members of the Rockefeller family and their allies and the Rothschild dynasty in Europe have been the most powerful force of the organization. Baron Edmond de Rothschild has been a most active member of the BG. These two families, European monarchs, and a small group of very wealthy individuals determine who will be invited to participate in the BG meetings.

There are about 130 participants in these meetings, of which about 80 are regulars such as Henry Kissinger. Many of Obama´s advisors, cabinet members, and important White House officials are Bilderbergers, such as Obama´s Godfather George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, Timothy Geithner, Janet Napolitano, Susan Rice, Paul Volcker, and James Jones. Approximately 2/3 of the participants come from Europe and the rest from the United States and Canada.

Promising politicians are invited and interviewed by the BG, such as the governors of small states, Jimmy Carter of Georgia, and Bill Clinton of Arkansas. If these politicians support the one world government objective of the BG, then the BG gives them enormous financial support and, with the established media owned by them, massive positive coverage to make them presidents. Of course, after Carter and Clinton were elected, they staffed their administrations with CFR, TC, and BG members and they consulted with BG constantly on domestic and international matters.

The most powerful individuals in the planet, such as David Rockefeller, are members of these three organizations. The Americans who participate in the BG, CFR, and TC meetings with head of nations and high government officials are in violation of the U.S.’s Logan Act that prohibits elected leaders to meet in private with influential business and banking executives to debate and design public policy.

According to Daniel Estulin, author of The Bilderberg Group (2009), the major objectives of the Bilderbergers to achieve a one world government under them are the following:

One International Identity. All national identities must be eliminated to establish one set of universal values.

Centralized Control of the People. Using mind control methods, they plan to direct humanity to obey their wishes.

A Zero-Growth Society. In a post-industrial period, zero growth will be necessary to destroy progress. U.S. and Canadian industries will be moved to poor Latin American countries to use slave labor, such as is being done in Cuba today.

A State of Perpetual Imbalance. They will manufacture constant crises to keep the people under duress and bring about apathy. Again, as in Cuba, where people are constantly looking for food and being told that the United States is about to invade them or that rich Cubans are coming back to take away their homes and enslave them.

Most Cubans hate the regime but very few try to overthrow the most horrible and oppressive tyranny of the Americas that has lasted 56 years. Some writers think that the Cuban regime was installed by these powerful organizations as a model for Latin America. No one has explained why David Rockefeller has flown to Cuba so many times to meet with the bloody dictator Fidel Castro.

Centralized Control of All Education. Indoctrination will be implemented in schools and universities to erase the past and the lessons of history regarding constitutional rights, liberties, and freedom. Many think that Obama´s Common Core curriculum for all public school students is being pushed by globalists including its biometric invasion of privacy that reminds this writer of George Orwell’s book, 1984. The new Advanced placement U.S. history presents a distorted vision of our past and trashes our Founding Fathers. Our best and brightest students will leave that course believing that our nation is evil.

Centralized Control of All Foreign and Domestic Policies. This objective has been done with previous U.S. presidents and is currently being done with President Obama. The president is pushing vigorously for the approval by the Senate of a series of U.N. treaties that are harmful to our nation since they take away our sovereignty, liberties, and wealth.

Empowering the United Nations. This has been done slowly for many years.

Expansion of NATO and the Western Trading Bloc. This has been going on as the European Union incorporated Eastern European and Mediterranean nations. Now Obama is negotiating a trade pact with Europe and many Asian nations. This should alarm all Americans.

One Legal System. The U.N. International Court of Justice would become the sole legal system of the world.

One Socialist Welfare State. The BG envisions the creation of a socialist one world government where obedient slaves will be rewarded and non-conformists will be exterminated.

The Europeans have long supported the concept of giving up the sovereignty of their individual nations as they formed the European Union. President Obama, as he stated in Berlin during the 2008 presidential campaign, believes that “he is a citizen of the world.” Obama agrees that we need to move toward a world socialist government.

The Trilateral Commission

The Trilateral Commission (TC) was founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller, former secretary of State Henry Kissinger, and former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski. The TC has about 350 members from Europe, Asia, and the Americas who want to foster a closer cooperation between these three continents. Former presidential candidate and Senator from Arizona, Barry Goldwater, who previously had criticized the CFR, said the following about the TC: “David Rockefeller’s newest international cabal is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.”

Anthony Sutton´s book, entitled Trilaterals over America (1995), concluded that the TC´s real objective is to collaborate with the CFR and the BG to establish policies regarding the implementation of a one world government. In the first few years, the TC issued six position papers which were later incorporated in a book titled Triangle Papers.

Estulin cited Gary Allen´s book, The Rockefeller File (1976), which stated the following: “If the Triangle Papers are any indication we can look for four major thrusts toward world economic controls.” Allen described that the TC would first, pursue a new world monetary system; second, raid or steal U.S. resources and wealth to share with Third World countries; third, increase trade with communist countries; and last, use the energy crisis to gain international control.

Estulin wrote that since the publication of Allen´s book, the U.S. has sent billions of dollars in technology to China and Russia and has heavily subsidized and forgiven debts of Third World countries. The inner circle of the Trilateral Commission, as with the Council of Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group, has as its main objective to achieve a one world socialist government. The New World Order wants the United Nations to implement the world government but it will be controlled by the rich powerful elite from these three organizations


The illegal and unilaterally move to normalize relations with the tyrannical communist regime of Cuba is being compared to treason throughout the country by Americans of Cuban descent. The measures taken by the White House will prolong the military dictatorship and will enrich the communist regime. It will give oxygen to the worst dictatorship and the most bloodthirsty regime of the Americas. Recognizing Cuba diplomatically and lifting the embargo on Cuba unconditionally will only prolong the suffering of the Cuban people. Obama is responsible in history for having betrayed the defense of human rights and fundamental freedoms of the Cuban people. Obama has betrayed the internal Cuban resistance and opponents of the communist tyrannical regime.

Far from advocating measures and sanctions against the Castro regime aimed at its demise, Obama has given oxygen to keep its tyranny. Obama did not demand that Cuba’s regime respect each of the rights recognized in the Universal Declaration of human rights, of which Cuba is a signatory as a step to normalize diplomatic relations. Obama did not demand the dismantling of the repressive apparatus of the minions of the Cuban State Security (secret police) used to repress the Cuban people. Neither did he demand that Castro hold multi-party general free elections and the establish a rule of law that guarantees legal stability and democracy in Cuba.

Miami protests for Obamas Cuba relationsIt is sad that Obama will help the tyrannical communist regime of Cuba, which has increased repression  on the island, violated the arms embargo against North Korea, maintained an army of occupation in Venezuela, and supported henchmen who have killed and tortured young people protesting peacefully in cities of Venezuela. It is shameful the silence of Obama in response to the constant violations of the communist regimes of Cuba and Venezuela.

Even worse is the silence of Obama to the agreement of Cuba and Venezuela with Russia with respect to naval and military bases located so close to our nation that they will seriously endanger our national security. Instead of recognizing Cuba and removing the embargo, Obama should impose tough sanctions against Cuba and Venezuela.




