May 7, 2024

Summary of Psychosocial Manipulation in the Common Core Standards, Aligned Tests , Curriculum , and Data Collection Systems

Missouri Legislature throws Common Core test out the windowThe issue of teaching, testing and collecting data on psychological attitudes, values and beliefs is extremely serious and a
major concern to parents, citizens, and experts. Despite promises by proponents that the Common Core Standards are “academic” and “rigorous,” documentation from the U.S. Department of Education, the National School Boards Association, The American School Counselors Association, The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning, school districts, and other sources indicate that a
number of standards will be used for psychological training of children starting at a young age.

The paper below deals specifically with psychosocial manipulation, indoctrination, profiling, data collection and the potential physical harm to children of online testing and curriculum due to radiation.

