May 8, 2024


Please watch this 11 Minute Video from Senator Ted Cruz –Then, Imagine our Country being run by these Christian PrinciplesHope all is well on this “First Day of 40 Days for Life”, as we had over “475” Prayer Warriors sign up for our location across the street from the Presidential Women’s Center on 45th Street and “150” at our second location at Planned Parenthood in Wellington. 40 days & 40 nights…nothing but prayers to stop the killing of our precious, innocent babies…Prayer is Powerful. GOD, even more so… Thank you, Jane Brill! Thank you, Melanie & Bill Hill! GOD Bless You!!

And, speaking of prayers – please take 11 minutes of your time today to watch the most powerful, prayerful and purposeful video I have ever watched coming from any politician in this country in my entire life. Nobody could have said it better. What a flawless piece of work! A Perfect 10! What Senator Ted Cruz does in this piece is beyond remarkable and astonishing. You can tell that it was a speech totally guided by the Holy Spirit – from start to finish:

And, Mr. Cruz does not use a teleprompter or any notes. Every word comes from his heart and he quotes scripture better than any politician I have ever heard. Ted Cruz actually can pass as a Pastor or a religious lay leader. He delivers a powerful Homily – the perfect sermon. That is how passionately he covers the topic of religious freedom in this speech. He doesn’t stutter once and his facts are as accurate as the Ten Commandments on Moses’ tablets. And, look around at the audience – whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, adults, kids, male, female – you name it – they all love it. That’s how it should be…One Body in Christ all serving One Incredible Country… ONE NATION UNDER GOD!

And, while you watch this speech, just think in your mind what our great country of the United States of America would be like if we had a leader – our 45th President of the U.S. – like Ted Cruz, running our country…Just think about that for a moment…

And, compare what Cruz covers in 11 minutes here to what Obama has destroyed in 6 years. Look at the different attitudes among these men. Could you just imagine Barack Hussein Obama speaking like this for a minute? Seriously, folks. This is what the President of the United States should sound like at all times – protecting our country; praying for our country; protecting the Constitution of the United States; protecting our innocent unborn; reciting Holy Scripture; defending our religious freedoms; and speaking about heroes like the courageous Meriam Ibrahim, instead of blaming others for his shortcomings. That is what we should expect from the leader of the most powerful and compassionate country in the world…

“The Federal Government has no business asking anyone the content of their prayers” – Texas Senator Ted Cruz

Friends: The November elections are “40” days away…40 days & 40 nights..and yes, we need to spend some time in our own desert and pray to GOD that enough good, wholesome citizens go to the polls this time around and vote for the good, wholesome politicians – if there is such a thing…Hopefully, this time around, we will find some. If a speech like this fiery, passionate one from Ted Cruz does not fire you up to vote for somebody who will protect our country, our Constitution, our religious freedoms, our innocent unborn and all of our alienable rights as American citizens like Senator Cruz outlines in his speech – I don’t know what will? That is why I send you this masterpiece of a speech so that we can watch it and forward it to others all around our great country and bring back some hope and enthusiasm to our beloved citizens who deserve better…


What we have been forced to live like these past 6 years is beyond description and totally out of character to what the United States of America is supposed to stand for. All of our beliefs & principles have been compromised by an evil, liberal government who have defied everything that America is about. We have seen things happening in our country during these Obama days that are so against what the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence represent…So against what our Founding Fathers wrote, spoke about and gave their lives for 238 years ago…So against what the Holy Bible teaches and what this country was founded on. The defiance of our beloved Constitution of the United States by signing Executive Orders when Obama wants to dictate what he selfishly so desires is the most blatant abuse of our beloved country that we have all seen these past six years. It tears me apart…This isn’t why my beloved family escaped the tyranny of Fidel Castro in Communist Cuba 54 years ago, leaving behind everything that we ever owned…

And, Barack Obama still has two years left in our White house…but, we can make a difference this November 4th if enough good, wholesome American citizens boldly stand up “Two-gether” for their rights and vote according to their consciences, their religious beliefs and their loyalty to the Constitution of our beloved United States. We can take our wonderful country back from this type of unconstitutional leadership – our schools back and away from the Curse of Common Core – our unborn babies back from the abortionists at Planned Parenthoods and our churches back and steer them away from the liberal government that tries to impose their power and authority on our religious freedoms by way of the H.H.S. Mandate, while bullying on little, helpless nuns…

Have we had enough, friends? As I wipe the tears away from my eyes while looking at a phenomenal photo of the Blessed Mother Teresa holding a precious baby in her hands, I pray that everybody reading this heartfelt e-mail and watching this passionate speech from Senator Cruz, sheds a tear as well and agrees with me that “we deserve better” – that we need to bring our beloved country back. Let’s all stand “Two-gether” – Us and Jesus – and pray that we can make a difference this time around and begin to turn this ship around and steer it in the right direction – always looking at Jesus Christ as our “Beacon of Light”, as He guides us in the right direction. Let Him steer this ship north as we look towards the Heavens and allow the Holy Spirit to come down and fill our hearts as we profess to be True followers of Christ and promise to honor our Country and Church with that same holiness and goodness that our loving Father created us with. It is time we give it back to Him and represent Him as we vote on November 4th with a Christian spirit…It takes guts to be a Christian. It takes more to die for your country & church…Vote like a Christian for His Greater Glory…Viva Cristo Rey!

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of Senatpr Ted Cruz (R-TX) was taken at the Fort Worth Texas Chamber of Commerce office. AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez.
