May 6, 2024

2017: The Year Of Radical Opposition To The Transition Of Power

Since Donald Trump was elected president on November 8th, the left in the United States (represented by democrats, liberals and most of the media) has fallen into an extreme state of denial.

According to the Constitution, the candidate who reaches 270 electoral votes wins the presidential election. Donald Trump managed to get 306 electoral votes and Hillary Clinton 232. The Associated Press reported that Trump won 2,626 counties and Clinton, 487. Despite the overwhelming majority reached by Trump, leftists have refused to accept Trump’s victory.

Starting November 9th, when the victory of the republican candidate became evident, anti-Trump forces began to attack the results of the election. The first person that fell into a state of denial was Hillary Clinton. In fact, when the media announced the news, Hillary (in contrast to the tradition of previous elections) did not concede. Instead, John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign director, tried to soothe liberal anxiety and said that we have to wait. We now know that Hillary suffered an emotional crisis once the results were released. She waited hours to recover and accepted Trump’s victory the following morning.

Soon the excuses to justify Clinton’s loss began to pour in and at the same time, American leftists, led by George Soros, launched a campaign of anarchy across the country. Soros, and his extensive socialist networks organized national events to ignore the election outcome. Liberals infiltrated universities and recruited young people to march on the streets and create chaos in multiple cities. During the riots, leftist crowds attacked Trump’s sympathizers and burned American flags.

For some protesters, Trump’s victory was the result of a “revolt of the white men”. Others blamed the FBI for reporting on Hillary Clinton’s lies concerning her email scandals. Later, the anti-Trump forces lashed out at the press. According to them, “false news” from the media influenced voters in favor of the republican candidate.

Liberals also blamed WikiLeaks for exposing the corruption of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. Later, when the victory of Trump was widely recognized, they said there were irregularities in the electoral process and that a recount of votes in several states was necessary.

The person behind the vote recount was Jill Stein, the Green Party presidential candidate. Ironically, Stein received less than 1% of the votes during the November elections. It is important to mention that Jill Stein raised millions of dollars in an attempt to block Trump’s victory. Hillary Clinton supported Stein and joined the rebellion against the elected president.

Recently, the anti-Trump movement added Russia as another cause of Hillary’s defeat. Bill and Hillary Clinton, the CIA and liberals accused Russia of interfering the elections to favor Donald Trump.

Unfortunately for liberals and democrats, the recount, which cost taxpayers millions of dollars, favored the republican candidate. On the other hand, president Obama claims that Russians have hacked politicians emails and altered the electoral process. So far, the administration has not shown any evidence that Russia manipulated the outcome of the elections.

During this prolonged state of denial, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton continued to blame Russians. Later on, the administration imposed sanctions on Russia and expelled 35 diplomats. In addition, following Trump’s victory, the president was critical of the Electoral College. Obama blasted the Electoral College and referred to it as a “vestige of the past”.

In this anti-democratic environment, the left turned its efforts towards the Electoral College. It was the start of another national campaign against Donald Trump. The goal was to convince the delegates to vote against the president-elect. Some delegates received thousands of emails. Others received threats. The siege on the members of the Electoral College was so extreme that some required police protection.

Under these circumstances the representatives from the Electoral College met on December 19th in all 50 States and the District of Columbia. The Electoral College ratified Donald Trump’s victory and the New York Tycoon officially became the new president of the United States. Of the 538 electors, 304 voted for Trump and 227 voted for Clinton. Interestingly, Hillary had more deserters than Donald Trump. Five Democrats decided not to vote for Hillary Clinton while only two Republicans didn’t vote for Donald Trump.

It’s worth mentioning that Hillary Clinton’s team tried until the end to sabotage the confirmation of Trump by the Electoral College. According to a report by Political, Jake Sullivan and Jennifer Palmieri, representatives of Hillary’s campaign, were in contact with electors that sought to block the confirmation of Donald Trump.

Thus ended one of the most contested and controversial presidential races in the history of the nation. Donald Trump, a businessman who was never a politician, became the 45th president of the United States. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton, one of the most influential and powerful political figures in the country, lost the election. For some analysts, Clinton was not a good presidential candidate. In fact, Hillary finished her career as one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of the country.

Donald Trump will assume the presidency of the United States on January 20th. While the country awaits the possession of the new leader of the free world, the anti-Trump movement continues its anti-democratic fight. Jill Stein recently announced that she will ask Loretta Lynch, the Attorney General, to investigate the Electoral College and the “integrity” of the elections.

Furthermore, in a shameful and despicable act, the American left has promised to march on the nation’s capital on January 20th to protest the transition of power of a constitutionally elected American president.
