May 2, 2024

Donald Trump Arrives In Washington D.C. For Inauguration (VIDEO)

On Friday President-Elect Donald Trump will become President Donald Trump. The President-Elect landed in Washington Thursday afternoon and is ready to hit the ground running tomorrow afternoon and is expected to make a number of executive orders undoing years of disaster by the Obama administration.

President Trump is expected to taking immediate action illegal immigration which was one of his main campaign promises, healthcare, policies regarding the climate, energy and many other policies set in place by the Obama administration.

From Reuters:

After being sworn in during a ceremony at the U.S. Capitol on Friday, Trump is poised to wield one of the most powerful tools of his office, the presidential pen, for executive actions that can be implemented without the input of Congress.

“He is committed to not just Day 1, but Day 2, Day 3 of enacting an agenda of real change, and I think that you’re going to see that in the days and weeks to come,” Trump spokesman Sean Spicer said on Thursday, telling reporters to expect activity on Friday, during the weekend and early next week.

Trump’s advisers vetted more than 200 potential executive orders for him to consider signing on healthcare, climate policy, immigration, energy and numerous other matters but it was not clear how many orders he will approve, according to a member of the Trump transition team who was not authorized to talk to the press.



