May 1, 2024

New Poll Shows What Democratic Voters Really Think About Islam

Two-thirds of Democrats believe Islam is no more violent than other religions, according to a new CBS poll released Tuesday.

When asked to what extent the “Islamic religion encourages violence,” 66 percent of Democrats said Islam encourages the “same amount” of violence as other religions. Another 14 percent said Islam encourages violence “More than other religions,” while nine percent said Islam is less violent than other religions.

The ISIS flag is held up by demonstrators. (Getty Images)

The ISIS flag is held up by demonstrators. (Getty Images)

Among Republicans, 63 percent said Islam encourages violence “more than other religions,” while 25 percent said Islam encourages violence to the same extent as other religions. (RELATED: 52 Percent Of Democrats Believe Russia Rigged Voting Tallies)

Overall, 50 percent of respondents said Islam encourages violence the same amount as other religions, while 33 percent said Islam is more violent than other religions, and six percent said Islam is comparatively less violent.

President Trump has vowed to eradicate “radical Islamic terrorism” from the face of the Earth, and recently signed executive orders restricting immigration from certain terror-prone countries in an effort to prevent Islamic terror attacks.

That same CBS poll found that 51 percent of Americans disagree with Trump’s immigration ban, while 45 percent support it.

At the same time, another poll released by Investor’s Business Daily found 51 percent of Americans expressing support for the immigration ban. (RELATED: Majority Of World’s Muslims Untouched By Trump’s Visa Ban)

Source: The Daily Caller