May 3, 2024

Former Minnesota Planned Parenthood Exec to Replace Al Franken.

Now that Minnesota Senator Al Franken has stepped down in the face of sexual assault allegations, his successor has been nominated. You will be as shocked, shocked as I was to hear that it’s a woman, Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Tina Smith. Governor Mark Drayton appointed her to the one-year term, concluding in January 2019.

Smith said:

Though I never anticipated this moment, I am resolved to do everything I can to move Minnesota forward, and I will be a fierce advocate in the United States Senate for the economic opportunity and fairness. This is a difficult moment for us. But, even now, I am filled with optimism for Minnesota.

Will replacing Franken with a woman mean good things for women? Not particularly. Smith worked with Planned Parenthood as their VP of Public Affairs in Minnesota. She was, essentially, a lobbyist. According to the Washington Examiner, she was registered as such. While in that position, she lobbied against informed consent laws for mothers as well as one-day waiting periods before terminating a pregnancy. At the time, 10 unborn Minnesotans a day were being aborted, the Examiner reports.

I thought replacing Franken with a woman was somehow supposed to be helpful to women. Having an abortion enthusiast in Congress hardly seems like a plus.

Source: Truth Revolt
