April 26, 2024

Twitter Labels Its Own Image Cropping Algorithm as Racist

Twitter is set to largely abandon its image cropping algorithm after its own research found that the system is biased in favor of presenting white people over black people. The algorithm also demonstrated favor towards women over men. It has been a running joke on Twitter that the siteā€™s image cropping algorithm favored white people…

Report: Facebookā€™s Recent Algorithm Change Is Crushing Conservative Sites, Boosting Liberals.

A recent study by George Upper at The Western Journal confirms that Facebookā€™s much-publicized demotion of publishersā€™ content in usersā€™ news feeds has negatively impacted conservative-leaning publishers significantly more than liberal-leaning outlets. According to the report ā€“ Liberal publishers have gained about 2 percent more web traffic from Facebook than they were getting prior to […]
