July 27, 2024

Donald Trump Jr.: Breitbart’s Marlow ‘Predicted Everything That We Are Now Seeing Play Out’

Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow “predicted everything that we are now seeing play out,” said Donald Trump Jr., noting the ongoing collapse of President Joe Biden as a presidential candidate. Marlow spoke to Don Jr. on the latter’s podcast, Triggered, on Wednesday, as the political fallout from Biden’s disastrous performance in the first presidential debate

Breitbart’s ‘25 Amazing Conservative Quotes’: An Antidote to Leftist Madness

When you look at the world and what the left is doing, it would not be unusual to ask yourself the following question: Am I taking crazy pills? With tools like woke corporations, big tech, Hollywood, academia, and most of the media at its disposal, the left has every possible way to disseminate and magnify messages

Breitbart’s Boyle: ‘Republicans Are Clearly on a Pathway to the Majority’ in the Senate

During a Sunday appearance on Newsmax TV’s “The Gorka Reality Check,” Breitbart News Washington bureau chief Matt Boyle predicted Republicans were “clearly on a pathway to the majority” in the Senate. Anchor Sebastian Gorka said, “Do you have great expectations for the midterms?” Boyle said, “Yeah, look, I’ve long thought that this is going to…

Breitbart’s AWR Hawkins Awarded ‘Gun Rights Defender of the Year’

Breitbart News’s AWR Hawkins was awarded “Gun Rights Defender of the Year” by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA). The award came in conjunction with the 2020 Gun Rights Policy Conference, a Second Amendment Foundation-sponsored event that brings together pro-gun authors, broadcasters, journalists, legislators, and enthusiasts annually. The policy…

Breitbart’s Aaron Klein: Barack Obama Treated Israel ‘Like a Shithole’ for Eight Years.

While President Donald Trump has been accused of using a derogatory term to describe African countries, the news media remained largely silent while President Barack Obama treated Israel “like it was a shithole” for eight years, Breitbart Jerusalem Bureau Chief Aaron Klein charged. Klein was speaking on his Sunday night talk radio program, Aaron (Aaron Klein) […]

LISTEN – Breitbart’s Aaron Klein: How Israel’s Border Barriers Stop Illegals from Infiltrating

During his regular segment on John Batchelor’s national radio show, Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter Aaron Klein explained how Israel’s security barrier with Egypt has successfully stopped illegal aliens from infiltrating the Jewish state’s borders. Listen to the full segment here: Stated Klein: “Most people that I speak to who our knowledge […]
