July 26, 2024

Kansas Marine Corps Veteran Graduates High School 78 Years Later

In the sea of blue caps and gowns at Halstead High School’s graduation in Halstead, Kansas, Wilbur Nachtigal blended in with the youthful graduates — until he rolled his electric scooter across the stage to accept his diploma.  At 95-years-old, Nachtigal graduated from high school, as reported by KAKE.  “I’m probably the only 95-year-old graduate

Marine Corps Officer Charged In Connection To Capitol Riot

Federal prosecutors announced Thursday the first active-duty service member will be charged for participating in the Jan. 6 Capitol Riot. 40-year-old Maj. Christopher Warnagiris of the Marine Corps was charged with assaulting, resisting or impeding certain officers, as well as obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder and obstruction of justice, The Associated Press reported.…

Obama Administration: Iran’s Murderous Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Not a Terror Group

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has made “efforts to procure nuclear materials and conduct terrorist operations across the globe.” Obama continues to normalize evil and to treat enemies as allies and allies as enemies. Meanwhile, the leaders of the IRGC are laughing at him, amazed at how readily he is helping them triumph over the […]
