July 26, 2024

NYT: Trump Was Right, They Aren’t Stopping At Confederate Monuments

The New York Times reported Friday that monuments named after historical figures are at risk of being renamed or taken down across the nation, confirming President Trump’s fear that liberal activists won’t stop at taking down Confederate statues. Following the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, there was an increased call to take down Confederate statues around the country. […]

The Real Reason the Democrats Want to Be Rid of Confederate Monuments

George Orwell’s dictum, “Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past,” is often quoted, and for good reason. But it is usually quoted out of context. The passage begins: “And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed — if all records told the same tale — then […]

Bill de Blasio Orders Review of All NYC Monuments; Considering Removal of Christopher Columbus

New York City’s left-wing mayor Bill de Blasio has confirmed he will consider a proposal to remove a statue of the explorer Christopher Columbus and has ordered a review of all the city’s statues and monuments following violent clashes between white nationalists and Antifa in Charlottesville last weekend. His consideration follows a rally held by City […]

Epidemic? Leftist vandalism of monuments spreads

Once again, there’s more evidence of a real disconnect between what Trump says and what the media reports that he says. This explains why the Commander-In-Chief so often turns to Twitter to express his views. Recently, Donald Trump deplored the removal of Confederate monuments in a series of tweets: Sad to see the history and […]

Four Perspectives On Removing Confederate Monuments

Reuters reports that in the wake of the Charlottesville violence, “municipal leaders in cities across the United States said this week they would step up efforts to pull [Confederate] monuments from public spaces.” Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh said Monday that she has spoken with multiple contractors regarding the removal and relocation of Confederate monuments, reports […]

Trump Executive Order on National Monuments Aims to Give Federal Land Back to The American People.

Speaking from the Interior Department Wednesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order calling for the review of wide swaths of federal land previously designated as National Monuments. The monuments, declared by past administrations and most recently by President Obama, fall under the Antiquities Act. “Today I’m signing another executive order to end an egregious […]

‘Die Whites Die’: Anti-Trump Rioters Vandalize NOLA Monuments

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana – What started as a protest against President-Elect Donald Trump soon turned to violent riots where one of New Orleans’ most famous monuments was covered in graffiti and glass windows were shattered out of a nearby bank. Hundreds showed up to denounce the election of Trump–but despite media reports of a peaceful […]
