February 7, 2025

Merriam-Webster Announced the Best Words. We Have Some Opinions.

As a child, I used to read the dictionary. There I said it. I was the nerdiest kid alive. Good thing I can (kinda) monetize my love of words. Over this last week, one of my favorite word-masters, the Merriam-Webster Twitter account, helped us warm up our voting muscles and asked followers to pick superlative

Liberals Cry Free Speech For NFL Kneelers But Want Conservatives Fired For Their Opinions.

The establishment media still hasnā€™t gotten over the NFLā€™s new national anthem rule. This concern was renewed with full fury this week after President Donald Trump disinvited the Philadelphia Eagles from the White House. The Eagles were planning to send only a handful of players to theĀ event in a clear snub to the president. Trump […]
