July 26, 2024

Tancredo to Sanctuary City Pols: ‘How Do You Live with Yourself’ Given the Death and Mayhem from Your Decisions?

Former Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo joined Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow to discuss a range of issues, including leaks and sabotage by the so-called “Deep State” to damage President Trump’s administration, sanctuary cities, and more. Tancredo discussed eliminating sanctuary cities via a bill he has pushed in Colorado, stating, “Look, this isn’t that hard to try and figure out […]

Tancredo: The Disgusting Media Double Standard Between Obama and Trump

Pop quiz: Who said, “The Middle East is an issue that has obviously plagued the region for centuries”? No, it wasn’t Ross Perot, and it wasn’t Donald Trump. It was Barack Obama, the same man the White House press corps hailed as the smartest man to ever sit in the Oval Office. The political bias […]


Dissent is never more courageous or more dangerous than when the lynch mob is at your door. Patriots, look out your window. The liberal media is our new lynch mob and they are on the march. If you think they are coming for your neighbor but not you, wake up and smell the ashes of […]
