May 2, 2024

Islamic Indoctrination in American Schools… Floridians Outraged Over Muslim Bias in Textbooks

prentice-hall-world-historyDoes Prentice Hall ring a bell? Depending on when you went to school you may have had a few Prentice Hall textbooks. I know I did. One of their current textbooks, simply titled World History, is causing quite the stir in Florida. Florida Today reports:


Two Brevard School Board members are reviewing a world historytextbook used in ninth grade Advance Placement classes amid concerns that it is biased in favor of Islam — at the expense of Christianity and Judaism.

House Representative Ritch Workman and individuals from two citizens groups spoke against the textbook, Prentice Hall World History, at the Brevard School Board meeting Tuesday, citing examples of phrases and passages they believe show bias.

“Our children deserve facts and accuracy, not history being revised for our own failure or desire to not offend one culture or another,” said Workman, a Republican from Melbourne.

The textbook, which has been used in Brevard for the past three years, devotes a chapter to Islam, with sections including the rise of Islam and the building of the Muslim empire. Conversely, Christianity and Judaism do not have their own chapters and instead are referenced in paragraphs embedded in other sections.

Workman also expressed concern about how historic events are portrayed and what phrases are used. For example, he said the textbook reads Jesus proclaims himself to be the Messiah but declares Muhammad becomes a prophet.

School board members Amy Kneessy and Andy Ziegler promised to review the textbook, which is published by Pearson, a well-known printer of educational textbooks.

“No matter what the subject is, whether it’s math, English, science or world history, students need to have accurate, unbiased information,” Kneessy said. “If textbooks are unbiased or incomplete, it’s our job to fix that.”


This story is much bigger than a Florida school system. We must consider how big Prentice Hall is and consider that there are likely tens of thousands of these textbooks in circulation. Prentice Hall is not foreign to controversy on this subject. According to StoptheMadrassa…   Read also  Islamists Rewrite Textbooks in Our Nation


The Textbook League is another national center that evaluates textbooks for academic quality and political bias, which also found multiple editions of Houghton Mifflin’s Across the Centuries to be filled with Islamic preaching. They have also drawn attention to Prentice Hall’s textbook, World Cultures: A Global Mosaic as “a vehicle for Muslim propaganda”:

Long passages in World Cultures are devoted to promoting Islam, to making American students embrace Islamic religious beliefs, and to winning converts for Allah. In these passages, Muslim myths are disguised as historical information, Muslim superstitions are disguised as facts…


Palm Beach County has already forced the reprint of World History once for Muslim bias and inaccuracies. The question on my mind is whether or not this is the reprinted book or the old version. As reported in April:


Dr. William Saxton, Chairman of Citizens for National Security told The Report Card that as result of CFNS efforts – and for the first time as far as anyone related to these K-12 textbook issues knows – a major publisher, Pearson Prentice Hall, had to correct the content of an already printed flawed textbook that it intended to sell to a huge school district in Florida, and reprint it, before it could be purchasedDr. Saxton earned his doctorate in Applied Physics from Harvard and spent much of his career in the United States Intelligence community. He founded CFNS as a result of concerns that Islamic terror organizations Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood were spreading misinformation and indoctrinating students in American schools.

The new 2013 high-school history book, “World History,” was slated for delivery to Palm Beach County (PBC) students for use at the beginning of the current school year. CFNS documented Islam bias and misinformation in a report co-authored by Dr. Saxton and Report Card Publisher William Korach. That 92-page report, published February 2012 documented Islam-biased errors and misinformation in 25 textbooks in Florida. CFNS participated in a marathon meeting with PBC curriculum specialists and a Pearson representative to delineate their concerns and recommend corrections. Following that, Dr. Saxton testified about the book’s bias before the PBC School Board. After further review, the Board concurred with the CFNS position, and determined that much of the textbook’s contentious language be revised, consistent with CFNS’s recommendations, as a condition for purchase.


You must consider how liberal leaning our school system has already become and then consider how bad a book must have to be for reprints to be demanded and questions to be raised.


What the hell is going on at Prentice Hall? Maybe there is a clue on their own website. Prentice Hall is owned by Pearson. Here is a quote that is the very first line on their about page:


Pearson is the world’s leading PreK-20 educational publishing company, dedicated to working with educators to change the way America thinks.


Ding. Ding. Ding. We have a winner.


Since when was it decided that Americans needed to change the way they think? That’s Progressive talk. And for those of you who don’t know… Progressive is a politically correct way of saying communist.


Don’t be fooled America.


This is real and it has been in play for a long time.
