April 27, 2024

Common Core: New Film Promises to Throw the Curtain Back

There’s something exciting about living in a time when so many conservative firebrands are finally learning how to use the media to their own advantage – and to the advantage of the movement itself. For many years, it seemed that Rush Limbaugh and Ronald Reagan were the only two guys on the right that could actually make an impassioned plea for conservative values without getting (completely) sideswiped by the liberal media. Now, we have Palin, Malkin, Beck, Hannity, Coulter, and many others, all of whom have managed to climb the bestseller lists, get their messages out on national cable programs, and take full advantage of the digital age to attract millions of followers.

Tomorrow night, in theaters across the country, some of these prominent conservative voices are doing something unprecedented. We Will Not Conform promises an interactive experience where conservative education experts like Michelle Malkin and David Barton will talk about the dangers of the U.S.’s Common Core standards. This is a subject that has been all but ignored by the mainstream media, which is perhaps why this show must take place in movie theaters instead of television. If you’re not sure where you stand on this relentless attempt on the part of the government to channel public schools into unthinking, silent partners of the administration, now’s the time to find out. Common Core standards are not just terrible in and of themselves, but they mark the start of a slippery slope where liberal politicians can infect our children at an early age.

The program will be hosted by Glenn Beck, and it will be an attempt to put all of the cards out there on the table. Parents deserve to hear the truth about Common Core and to understand the dangers of letting the federal government sink its claws deeper and deeper into the public school system. This will be the night.

The idea of holding this live program in theaters is actually a brilliant one. The most difficult part of rallying likeminded people is simply getting them together. You read a disturbing presentation of Common Core online, you gripe about it in the comment section, and then you move on to the rest of your day. By the time you finish work, get the kids to their extracurriculars, make dinner for the family, enjoy some togetherness time, and go to bed, you’ve forgotten all about that information you read that was so damning at the time. Eh, you might think, what am I going to do about it anyway?

The problem is that you’re the only one who can do something about it. Like everything in America, these issues are solved by the will of the people. When the people take action that is strong enough, defiant enough, and loud enough, politicians have no choice but to sit up and pay attention. It’s my hope that Beck’s We Will Not Conform will bring likeminded people together in a public setting. After listening to the arguments the experts put forth, perhaps many of moviegoers will stay in the lobby afterwards. Talk about what they’ve seen. And maybe put together a plan of action to stop the governmental encroachment that is ruining the school system.
