May 2, 2024

Islam In Our Schools

Islam In Our SchoolsFortress of Faith Radio brings us the latest on the Islam infiltration in our core institutions in America, with their primary target being our children…

Below are the “show notes” or transcription of the audio from the broadcast, so forgive any typos/grammer irregularities, and we encourage to simply click on the “audio link page” in each of the sections below and listen.

Common Core and Bringing Islam Into Our Public Schools

Segment One : BEST WAY is to LISTEN to the AUDIO, IMPORTANT TO HEAR-Audio Download from Fortress of Faith LINK, Please Listen Now

There is an agenda withing Common Core to bring Islam into our schools. What better way to change the culture than to indoctrinate our children and young people. We have seen this done in Islamic countries where they have used the Madrases (Islamic Schools) to change their societies.

One of the problems with having a national Department of Education is the ease with which the things can be introduced into our schools. It used to be that to do this you had to go state by state and district by district. With the Department of Education there is one place to go to do the job.

We know that Saudi Arabia has put a lot of money into this indoctrination. They own textbook companies and are involved with student associations, etc.

Common Core is the tool being used to indoctrinate our young people. It used to be that each state and each district had control over what was taught. With Common Core the federal government is attempting to put one standard for all schools controlled by the government. If the states don’t implement Common Core they are threatened with the loss of federal funding.

Our government is supposed to be a bottom up system where the people control the government. It is now where if you can infiltrate the top, the White House, the State Department, the Department of Education, etc., you can control the whole country. This is what is being done with Common Core.

When it comes to Christianity there is a big stink if you just mention it or anything about it in our schools. It is not the same with Islam. It is being brought into our schools through things like Common Core, as we will see in a moment, and there is very little, if any squawk from groups like the ACLU.

Here is what our First Amendment says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

This has been interpreted, incorrectly I might add, to mean that no public money or any other support can go to the promotion, or even the mention, of religion in any organization that has anything do do with the government. With what we will see, it seems like by religion they only mean Christianity. It seems like they can spend what ever money they want to promote Islam.

The original intent of the First Amendment was not to separate church and state, it was to protect the church from the state. Sadly lawyers are trained to redefine words to make them say what they want them to say. As a result the Amendment has been changed to protect the state from the influence of the church.

They gave now kicked prayer, the Bible, creationism, and anything to do with Christianity out of our schools. As if this was not enough, they have tried to change our history to say that Christianity had on influence on the founding of our nation. It is not hard to see the result of this in the degradation of our nation.

Let’s look at how they are allowing Islam to enter the curriculum. What follows comes from one of the textbooks used in Common Core. The information I will share comes from a book which is available HERE. It is a textbook by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston for high school seniors. It is a vocabulary workshop for English, lesson 16.

This was brought to light by the parents of a student who goes to Central High School in Farmville, NC. Fortunately these parents were paying attention to what their son was being taught.

This is a lesson on building vocabulary. The context deals with the Islamic civilization from 600 to 1300 AD. It gives the story of Muhammad and the rise of Islam. They are indoctrinating our teenagers concerning Islam. My question is can the schools produce any material that does the same thing about Christianity and Jesus Christ? Why is it that Islam finds its way into our textbooks in America and Christianity does not get the same treatment? I don’t understand this.

In the Middle East, in the seventh century a.d., the Arabs developed a dynamic culture that overshadowed that of Europe until the twelfth century. At the center of Arabic culture was the religion of Islam. The founder of this religion was Muhammad 570-632), a spiritual, military, and political leader. He began uniting his followers, known as Muslims, under one faith. Muhammad’s successors expanded Islam across North Africa to Europe in the west and to Asia in the east.

There are some real problems with this. The first is the lie that Arabic culture overshadowed Europe until the 12th century, The truth is that very few of the people in the Arabic culture could read or write, Muhammad included. There were no books written in Arabic until the writing of the Qur’an. How can it be suggested that the Middle Eastern culture, and especially the Arabic culture was greater that that of Europe.

Secondly it talks about the religion of Muhammad being central to this culture. This is a true statement, but it means that to teach Arabic culture you will have to teach Islam.

It is good that they actually say the Muhammad was more than just a religious leader. The fact is that Muhammad was building an empire. He brought the Arab people together under one leader and his successors spread Islam across North Africa and into southern Europe. They did this using the sword to conquer nations and to force people to convert to Islam or die. This last part is conveniently left out.

The lesson paints Muhammad with a colorful brush but conveniently leave out important points. They don’t mention jihad, they don’t mention his sex with children, and other atrocities committed by Muhammad and his followers.

We have see the same bias in textbooks before Common Core. They get away with doing this because they present it under they guise of culture rather than religion.

They leave out important facts and misrepresent things. As early as the 8th century Muslims were spilling the blood of millions of Europeans. Had it not been for the battle of Poitiers in 732 they would have continued the conquest of Europe by the sword. Where is this part of history in their presentation of Islam? Islam advanced its cause in a bloody rampage across the Middle East, Asia, North Africa, and into Europe. The bias toward Islam is obvious by their ignoring some of the most important facts about the expansion of Islam.

The lesson then gives a list of words to expand their vocabulary. They use the words in sentences to help the students to understand them. Let’s look at the example of the word “astute.”

It is entirely possible that Muhammad was and astute, or shrewd, merchant, but at about the age of forty, he gave up his career as a merchant and became a religious hermit.

Through the example sentences like this one they start to introduce Islam to the students. While it is true that Muhammad spent 30 days in a cave, he did not become a hermit. Muhammad or Islam is used in everyone of the example sentences.

This is supposed to be an English vocabulary class. Why is it being used to introduce Islam to the students?

Where is the ACLU? If they had a chapter on the life of Christ, the tenants of Christianity, or the culture of Christianity they would be all over it in an instant.

Why are they using an English vocabulary to teach the religious aspects of Islam? It is to indoctrinate our young people and try to erase the negative truths concerning Islam’s past. They want them to believe that what we are seeing today is not true Islam. If they were to tell the truth about Islamic history we would see that what we are seeing is true Islam because they are just following the example of their Prophet.

In one case in Washington State a student had been studying Islam for five weeks in his social studies class. The parent went to the school and asked to see the curriculum for the class and wanted to know why there were spending so much time studying Islam. The school district refused to let the parent see the textbook until they were threatened by a law suit.

In a textbook called “History Alive, The Medieval World and Beyond,” an entire “unit” was dedicated to “Islam in Medieval Times.” In this “unit,” one of the chapters focused on “From the Crusades to New Muslim Empires.”

In this chapter, there were approximately three pages dedicated to Christianity (most of which painted Christianity in a bad light and presented the Crusades as an act of Christian aggression) and barely any focus towards Judaism.

Meanwhile, Islam was painted as the defender against the aggression of the Crusaders. The entire “unit” spent seven chapters on Islam- more chapters than dedicated to any other religion by far. You read correctly, seven chapters on Islam!

For more information on textbook bias see Shahram’s website.

Be informed. Purchase our special package on Understanding Islam for the special price of $15.00 plus shipping and handling.

Tremendous Info:order it from their webstore.

Teaching Inaccuracies Impact Students Worldviews

Segment Two Direct Audio Download from Fortress of Faith LINK, please listen

The fact that they are using English classes to introduce Islam into our schools is bad enough. The inaccuracy of what they are teaching makes it much worse. They conveniently leave out all of the negative and twist the truth. Not only to they twist the truth about Islam to make it look better, they twist the truth about Christianity to make it look worse.

I want to look at some of the things this lesson does. To make it easier to understand I suggest you open the file on your computer so you can see what I am talking about.

On the forth page of the file, numbered page 64, you will find exercise 2. This is a matching column A with column B exercise. In column B item (B) it says:

This fairly peaceful period was conducive to advances in commerce and agriculture and was also favorable to advances in education and medicine.

How could anyone looking at the period of time from 600 to 1300 say that the expansion of Islam was peaceful? Islam was spread by the sword, not by peaceful expansion.

It is equally inaccurate in section (F) on the same page.

Astute Muslims helped preserve the writings of the ancient Greeks. Modern scholars are grateful for the Muslims’ keen judgment.

According to this false statement Europe would probably still be in the Dark Ages were it not for the keen judgment of astute Muslims. The truth is exactly the opposite. When Muslims take over a people they destroy their artifacts and their writings. Nothing has changed over the centuries as can be seen by what is happening as the jihadists of both ISIS and the Taliban take over territory. These groups are following the example of early Islam under Muhammad and the caliphs.

This is nothing but propaganda woven into Common Core and the parents have no idea what is happening. Our young people are being indoctrinated with false Islamic history and few are even noticing what is going on.

As for preserving the writings of the Greeks, the Qur’an does speak of the great founder of the Greek culture, Alexander the Great. Here is what the Qur’an says about him.

He is the one that discovered where the sun sets. It sets in a pool of murky or muddy water.

Does this sound like Islam is preserving knowledge and advancing civilization?

Let’s talk about the advancement of medicine under Islamic rule. Muhammad taught his followers to drink the urine of camels for their health. The Saudi government is manufacturing pills made from the urine of camels based on this teaching. The believe that it even has the ability to cure cancer.

It gets into the schools through the pretense of teaching culture. They take the children on school field trips to mosques and the children are invited to participate in the prayer time after hearing a lecture from the imam about the religion of Islam. They don’t study the architecture of the mosque or other cultural things. They are invited to partake in the religious practices.

One such field trip was video taped and you can see it here.

The girls and women were asked to leave the prayer room and the boys were allowed to stay They were invited to participate in the prayer time and even one Jewish boy was seen participating.

Shahram spoke to parents of students in in Washington State who said they had the same thing happen in their schools. One of the students, at the request of her parents, asked the teacher when they were going to go to a church on a field trip. The teacher answered, “that is religious, this is cultural.”

Back to the subject of this Common Core workbook. This is supposed to be about vocabulary, not culture. This distorted history is coming in through the back door. Is it any wonder that young people think Israel bad guy and Hamas is good? They teach nothing about the 600-900 Jewish men beheaded under the direct supervision of Muhammad. They teach nothing of the killing of upwards of 40,000 apostates by the first caliph (first successor to Muhammad). The teach nothing about Muhammad being a pedophile. Nothing negative is ever said about Islam and almost everything said about Christianity is portrayed in a negative light.

I spent a large part of my life in Great Britain and in the county next to where I lived a letter was sent out in November of 2013. It informed the parents that the school was taking their children on a field trip to a mosque. It included the following warning:

Refusal to allow your child to attend this trip will result in a racial discrimination note being attached to your child’s education records, which will remain on this file throughout their school years.

It went on to say that if a child was sick there had to be a note from a doctor so stating our the note would still be attached. This shows the type on pressure that is put on parents to submit their children to what I would call child abuse.

Many schools in Europe have been intimidated into serving only Muslim approved food. The next step will be to segregate the boys from the girls. Where will it all end?

If you would like to schedule a meeting with Tom you can call him at .

No church is too big or too small.

Islam Not Only in Curriculum But Force On Children in Other Ways

Segment Three Direct Audio Download from Fortress of Faith LINK, please listen

Islam is not only coming into our schools through the curriculum, it is being forced upon our children through other ways. The schools are starting to celebrate Muslim holidays and Muslim children are given preferential treatment.

Mayor De Blasio of New York has been in the headlines a lot lately because of the assassination of two police officers. We must point out that this was done by a Muslim convert. The police have been turning their backs to him because of comments he made about racism in the police force.

When De Blasio was a candidate he said that he believed that schools should be closed on Muslim holidays, especially Eid al-Fitr, the feast at the end of Ramadhan, Eid al-Adha which celebrates the Hadj. He wants Muslim children to be exempt from school, tests, etc. for these holidays.

Every effort is being made to make our schools Sharia compliant. This is not just in New York. It is being advocated across the spectrum of Common Core.

An example of the double standard for Muslims is seen in the law in Washington State which makes being absent for more than two weeks, including holidays, is considered being truant. This does not apply to Muslims who go on the Hadj.

Why is it that so many non-Muslims are so willing to bend over backward to accommodate Muslims? The reason is that we are afraid. We are afraid of the violence, the push-back, the labels and so forth.

We need some people who will stand up for our freedoms and our way or life. There was a Marine who stood against making his daughter being taught these things. As a result he has been banned from the school.

Marine John Kevin Wood, and his wife, Melissa, are suing La Plata High School in Maryland over the Islamic indoctrination of their 11th-grade daughter in her World History class. Their daughter was required to complete assignments where she had to affirm that “There is no god but Allah” and the other Five Pillars of Islam.

The reason this is so important is that according to Islam when you say “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger” you have converted to Islam.

This marine fought on the battlefield to protect us from this. Thank God he has the courage to fight for our freedoms here in our court system also. This is the only way we are going to be able to fight this enemy in their cultural jihad.

If you are a parent with children in school, go to the school board and demand to see the textbooks, demand to see the curriculum. Don’t take this lying down. You will have to do this every year if you want to stop this onslaught of Islam in our schools. If we don’t have the courage to stand up and oppose what they are doing our way of life and our freedoms will be lost.

As Christians we need to be involved in the civic process. We need to get Christians on the school boards. We need to vote in all elections as Christians and we need to know where the candidates stand on all issues. We need to vote righteousness rather than personal gain. If we put righteous people in political offices God will take care of the personal gain.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

We need to bring control of the education system back to the local level where we as parents can control it. If we don’t stop this now they are going to Islamasize our schools, which is what they are trying to do.

Our children are our most precious assets. We need to protect them from the indoctrination in our schools. They are attacking our children before they have the discernment to see what is being done to them. They are propaganda experts and they know what they are doing.

