May 6, 2024

Robert Creamer – Felon (Bank Fraud) – Incited violence at Trump rallies – Organized voter fraud – 340 visits to WH – Fired


Bob Creamer helped with Obama’s 2008 campaign in BATTLEGROUND STATES. Is this why he’s all over TV whining about “””””””fake””””””” voter fraud today?

SURPRISE: Bob Creamer, who was just implicated in the mass voter fraud video, is also a writer for the Huffington Post



NAME: Robert Creamer

Current Affiliation: Democracy Partners, Huffington Post, Strategic Consulting Group

Clients: Labor Unions, Public Interest Groups, Various Advocacy Organizations (, Americans United for Change, USAction)

Notable Projects: Defeat of privatization on Social Security, Universal Healthcare, Immigration Reform

Past Affiliations: Democratic Socialists of America , Illinois Citizen Action, New American Movement, Midwest Academy, Center for Democracy in the America’s

Criminal History: Imprisoned for bank fraud and tax evasion

Profile Highlights:

Subject has decades of experience and work in Progressive and Democrat politics
Strong evidence implicating subject in facilitating voter fraud
Extensive involvement in coordination and facilitation of planting rally disruptors
Evidence of direct coordination of event disruption planning with DNC Director of Communication Brad Woodhouse
Possible legal implication in the assault and wounding of two Chicago police officers during instigated riots earlier this year

Full Profile:

Born in 1947, Robert Creamer is the husband of Democrat Rep. Jan Schakowsky(1). He formerly served as executive director(2) of the Illinois Public Action Fund where his wife was the program director, and subsequently as a leader of Citizen Action(3) Illinois. He was also a lobbyist for George Soros’(4) Open Society Institute(5). Today Creamer heads the Strategic Consulting Group, and is involved in the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the AFL-CIO, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and other Left leaning organizations.

Creamer was implicated in collusion with the DNC during the 2016 Podesta WikiLeaks releases. The emails indicate that Creamer met specifically with HRC staff while remaining a decision maker within Democracy Partners. Democracy Partners was also implicated in the instigation of numerous disruptions and riots in the 2016 elections at rally’s for Senator Bernie Sanders and Mr. Donald J. Trump. The most notable of these events occurred in Chicago, where two police officers were severely injured. Additional evidence present in the WikiLeaks dump that implicates Creamer in numerous illegal or unethical activity includes:

A mail discussing a Creamer approved plan to disrupt the 5/12/16 Trump/Ryan talks (

Submission of press releases to a major email listing of journalists where articles are submitted for review and approval by HRC staff (

Coordination of “rapid response” events, similar to those orchestrated by Aaron Black to incite violence (,

Meeting with DNC Communications Director Brad Woodhouse to coordinate the HRC campaign (

With the release of the second Project Veritas video, Creamer was directly implicated to facilitating, enabling, and allowing voter fraud to occur. Scott Foval, who was implicated in enabling voter fraud during the first Project Veritas video, indicated that Creamer saw Foval as an individual capable of orchestrating activities that others within the organization refused to do based on ethical stances or legal implications.

He is further implicated when a Veritas investigator asks Creamer for advice on how he could “find my way around the Voter ID, the voter registration laws for Hispanics.” Creamer proceeds to write down a number of names and organizations for the investigator to contact that could help him get past the laws to allow Hispanics to vote without an official government ID. An example of one individual capable of this task is Cesar Vargas, a New York lawyer and illegal immigrant (who was shown in the video discussing ways to enable illegal immigrants to vote, and that such an activity is must be done despite admitting himself that it is voter fraud).

Given the evidence, it seems that Creamer was given the go ahead by HRC to coordinate with others like Foval and Black to instigate violent events in order to strengthen HRC’s position. Furthermore, he is directly connected to enabling voter fraud through his organization. DNC Communications Director Brad Woodhouse and Cesar Vargaz are also persons of interest. Task Force 58 will investigate these individuals and provide further information as possible.

End subject event report

Supplementary Reading. Creamer in 2006 was indicted for bank fraud and tax evasion. Creamer ultimately(6) was sentenced(7) to five months in federal prison plus eleven months of house arrest. Upon his sentencing, he publicly pledged: “For the rest of my life I will continue to do whatever I can to work for social and economic justice.”

While incarcerated — or on “forced sabbatical,” as he called it — Creamer wrote a 628-page political manual titled Stand Up Straight! How Progressives Can Win (published in 2007). Stand Up Straight! advanced the notion that the Democratic Party could win a permanent majority in Congress by doing the following:

  • passing a national health care bill, thereby turning more people into wards of an ever-expanding government, and of the party that works to grow government; and
  • giving amnesty to all illegal immigrants, thereby creating, virtually overnight, a large new constituency of Democratic voters.

The author conceded that his desire “to reshape the structure of one-sixth of the American economy” (i.e., the health care sector) was contingent upon the Democrats being able to control 60 votes in the U.S. Senate, and upon the election of a “progressive Democrat” to the White House — conditions that could, in Creamer’s estimation, be achieved by the year 2009. Notably, his book was effusive in its praise of then-Senator Barack Obama. Stand Up Straight! was endorsed by a number of leading Democrats and their political allies, including Greg Galluzzo, director of the Gamaliel Foundation, SEIU president Andrew Stern, political strategist David Axelrod, Democrat operative John Podesta, and political commentator Arianna Huffington.

Creamer’s book advocated a “public plan” that would guarantee every U.S. resident’s “right” to health care; this plan eventually would serve as a model for the “public option” in subsequent legislative proposals by Congressional Democrats. In addition, Creamer laid out a “Progressive Agenda for Structural Change,” which included a ten-point plan to set the stage for implementing universal health care:

“We must create a national consensus that health care is a right, not a commodity; and that government must guarantee that right.”
“We must create a national consensus that the health care system is in crisis.”
“Our messaging program over the next two years should focus heavily on reducing the credibility of the health insurance industry and focusing on the failure of private health insurance.”
“We need to systematically forge relationships with large sectors of the business/employer community.”
“We need to convince political leaders that they owe their elections, at least in part, to the groundswell of support of [sic] universal health care, and that they face political peril if they fail to deliver on universal health care in 2009.”
“We need not agree in advance on the components of a plan, but we must foster a process that can ultimately yield consensus.”
“Over the next two years, we must design and organize a massive national field program.”
“We must focus especially on the mobilization of the labor movement and the faith community.”
“We must systematically leverage the connections and resources of a massive array of institutions and organizations of all types.”
“To be successful, we must put in place commitments for hundreds of millions of dollars to be used to finance paid communications and mobilization once the battle is joined.”
“To win,” added Creamer, “we must not just generate understanding, but emotion—fear, revulsion, anger, disgust.”

Beyond the narrow specifics of health care, Creamer in his book advocated the “democratization of wealth” in America and “progressive control of governments around the world.”

Creamer also identified immigration as an issue that “will have an enormous impact on the battle for power between the progressive and conservative forces in American society.” He said:

“If the Democrats continue to stand firmly for immigrant rights, the issue will define immigrants’ voting loyalties for a generation. If we are successful, a gigantic block of progressive votes will enter the electorate over the next 15 years—a block that could be decisive in the battle for the future.” Mirroring his approach to health care, Creamer stressed the importance of persuading religious leaders to lobby, on moral grounds, in favor of amnesty and expanded rights for illegal aliens.

On November 24, 2009, Creamer attended a White House state dinner — along with high-level Obama advisors like Andrew Stern and David Axelrod — despite the fact that ex-convicts are usually barred from such events.


Creamer in 2006 was indicted for bank fraud and tax evasion. Creamer ultimately(6) was sentenced(7) to five months in federal prison plus eleven months of house arrest. Upon his sentencing, he publicly pledged:

“For the rest of my life I will continue to do whatever I can to work for social and economic justice.” While incarcerated — or on “forced sabbatical,” as he called it — Creamer wrote a 628-page political manual titled Stand Up Straight! How Progressives Can Win (published in 2007).

Stand Up Straight! advanced the notion that the Democratic Party could win a permanent majority in Congress by doing the following:

passing a national health care bill, thereby turning more people into wards of an ever-expanding government, and of the party that works to grow government; and
giving amnesty to all illegal immigrants, thereby creating, virtually overnight, a large new constituency of Democratic voters.

James O’Keefe Releases Second Investigative Video – “Rigging Elections”…

Jan Schakowsky (wife of convicted felon Robert Creamer) admits to using illegal voter intimidation tactics in Chicago

Posted on October 21, 2010


This video above captures CLASSIC Jan Schakowsky, in all her glory, PROUD of using illegal intimidation tactics on voters to keep them in line with what she want

This video above captures CLASSIC Jan Schakowsky, in all her glory, PROUD of using illegal intimidation tactics on voters to keep them in line with what she wants them to do. She threatens to pull people out of their homes to vote. She will camp out at your door and trespass until you acquiesce to her demands and follow her to the polls.

She has no clue in Hell any of this is wrong.

