May 3, 2024

FINALLY, Obama addresses anti-Trump protesters; says 7 words that speak VOLUMES


President Obama has earned a reputation as “divider in chief,” thanks in large part to his racially divisive rhetoric and agenda, and it appears that’s pretty much going to sum up his legacy.

Amidst continued violent protests in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory, calls for the rape of incoming First Lady Melania Trump and even one murder that appears to be anti-Trump related, many have called on Obama to speak out against it. Today, Obama finally addressed the situation, however, not exactly in the way many of us had wished. President Obama encouraged the protesters “not to be silent.”

Good work, man. Good work.

According to Politico, President Barack Obama has little sympathy for President-elect Donald Trump when it comes to the protests against him, and he offered up some advice for his successor: Get used to it.

“I’ve been the subject of protests during the course of my eight years,” Obama said at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday. “And I suspect that there’s not a president in our history that hasn’t been subject to these protests. So, I would not advise people who feel strongly or who are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of the campaign, I wouldn’t advise them to be silent.”

Unreal, isn’t it? However, it’s not the first time Obama has stirred the pot when it comes to anything-but-peaceful protests. Check out this little gem during the Ferguson race riots.

via NY Times:

According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating. He said he hopes that we’re doing all we can to keep peace.”

Staying the course? They were rioting, destroying private property and burning their city to ashes!

Once again, President Obama is, in essence, using his remaining time on the bully pulpit to condone abhorrent behavior rather than discourage it. All according to his own agenda.

You have to imagine that while Obama watches his legacy already being ripped to shreds even before he’s gone, the only mild pleasure this narcissist can take is in the angry protests against the man who will succeed him.

And while the rest of his legacy may be in ruins even before Obama exits the Oval Office, his legacy as divider in chief is one from which it will likely take Americans quite some time to recover..

Source: Allen West
