May 6, 2024

New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Support Trump’s Executive Order

According to a new IBD/TIPP poll, President Trump’s executive order relating to immigration and refugees has majority approval–although just narrowly.

51% of those surveyed approve of Trump’s executive order, while 48% disapprove. The usual partisan lines are drawn, with 88% of Republicans approving and 82% of Democrats disapproving. It’s independents who tip the scales, with 55% supporting Trump.

Despite continuously negative coverage from the mainstream press, the smears of Democratic politicians, celebrities openly calling for a #resistance, and endless citizen protests, a slim majority of Americans still support the action taken by President Trump.

There’s a chance that this poll is indicative of a clarity of thinking among the American body politic.

Donald Trump’s executive order is far from perfect. As Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro wrote, it’s too broad in application, and too narrow in scope. It was tossed out hastily, and executed poorly. There’s no excuse for the mess it created. That said, it’s not the great evil progressives have made it out to be.

The progressive media has railed on Trump’s executive order relentlessly, yet 55% of self-identified independents have cut through the slush, and reached the conclusion that, despite its glaring flaws, the executive order is sound policy.

Is this discernment an anomaly? Time will tell.

Source: The Daily Wire
