December 8, 2024

Steve Pieczenik: Counter-Coup to Stop Clinton Happening Now Within Intelligence Community

Please watch this video and then spread far and wide: Steve Pieczenik, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, asserts that “Hillary and Bill Clinton are attempting a takeover of the United States and will stop at nothing. A coup d’état of this magnitude has never been affected in such a subtly calculated way.” However, […]

Silent Counter-Coup by 17 Intel Agencies To Stop Crooked Clintons

Good evening, I’m still reporting on an ongoing counter-coup being run by patriotic members of 17 U.S. intelligence agencies to stop the Clinton Crime syndicate from proceeding with the rigging of the coming election. According to a 4 minute video, done by Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a Harvard and MIT-educated psychiatrist who has written 26 New […]
