July 27, 2024

Reports: U.N. Security Council Prepares for Another Resolution Demanding Israel Stop Fighting Hamas

Multiple reports on Tuesday indicated that representatives from Algeria had prepared a draft resolution for the United Nations Security Council that would demand Israel stop its self-defense operations against the terrorist group Hamas in Gaza. The U.N. Security Council held an emergency meeting on Tuesday after Israel conducted an airstrike on Sunday in the southern

Maureen Dowd Calls Out Biden White House for Demanding ABC News Change ‘Goodest’ Line in Interview Transcript

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd on Sunday slammed the Biden White House for pressuring ABC News to edit out President Joe Biden’s usage of the non-existent word “goodest” during his Friday interview with George Stephanopoulos and for pressuring her to edit her column that highlighted his usage of the word. Dowd wrote on Sunday

U.N. Security Council Passes Resolution Demanding Gaza Ceasefire — No U.S. Objection

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Monday passed a non-binding resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The resolution also called on the terrorists of Hamas to release all of their hostages, some of whom are Americans, immediately and unconditionally. The UNSC resolution called for a ceasefire that would last until the end

Hunter Biden defies House GOP subpoena, demanding public hearing at the Capitol

Hunter Biden showed up on Capitol Hill on Wednesday — just not for the interview House Republicans wanted. Instead, President Joe Biden’s son insisted to a gathering of reporters that he wants to testify publicly and not in a private meeting, as Republicans demanded in a subpoena. And he teed off against GOP investigators like

Adam Johnson’s Aunt Demanding ‘Justice’ After ‘Reckless’ Kick that Left Him Dead

Former NHL player Adam Johnson’s family is demanding that officials in the U.K. do something to bring justice to the man whose actions ended Johnson’s life during an Oct. 28 game. The 29-year-old Johnson, who played with the Pittsburgh Penguins from 2018 to 2020, was playing in a Challenge Cup game for the Nottingham Panthers

ACLU Leads 113-Group Coalition Demanding Biden Stops Lethal Airstrikes

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) wrote a letter cosigned by a coalition of 113 groups to President Joe Biden Wednesday, demanding he stops “lethal” airstrikes. The U.S. airstrike program has resulted in wars, violent conflicts, civilian casualties, human displacement and indefinite military detention, the groups wrote in the letter addressed to President Joe Biden.…

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Arrington To Introduce Bill Demanding Conditions Of Improvement From World Health Organization

January 28, 2021 8:45 AM ET Republican Texas Rep. Jodey Arrington will introduce legislation Thursday morning to prohibit the Biden administration’s plan to rejoin the World Health Organization (WHO) without any conditions of improvement or change. The Daily Caller obtained a copy of the “WHO is Accountable Act.” The bill, a Republican Study Committee (RSC)…

Sekulow: Campaign Should Be ‘Demanding a Manual Recount’ in Places with Software that Glitched in MI

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Trump attorney Jay Sekulow said that the Trump campaign’s lawyers should demand a manual recount of any other areas that used the same software as Antrim County, MI, a county that had errors with reported election results. Sekulow said, [relevant remarks begin around 2:15] “If 30…

House Approves Resolution Demanding DOJ/FBI Docs

The House Judiciary Committee approved for the first time a resolution Tuesday demanding that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein turn over all requested documents regarding the FBI’s handling of the Russia investigation during the presidential election after seven days or face possible impeachment or contempt. The decision to move forward with the resolution came after […]

State Attorney General Demanding ALL Facebook Communications With Barack Obama’s 2012 Campaign

Washington Free Beacon reports: Missouri’s Republican attorney general Josh Hawley delivered an investigative subpoena to Facebook’s Menlo Park offices on Monday, demanding a wide-ranging group of documents related to the social media giant’s handling of user data. The civil investigative demand, which was provided by the attorney general’s office and can be viewed here, comes […]

The Case for Demanding a Recount in Ecuador’s Presidential Election.

Evidence and testimony suggest that the ruling party’s candidate, Lenín Moreno, did not actually win the Ecuadorian elections. (Twitter) On Sunday, April 2nd, Ecuador held its second round presidential elections. The day was tense. Both candidates, Guillermo Lasso, of the CREO Movement, and Lenin Moreno of the ruling party, proclaimed victory. However, little by little […]

While Left Protests Democracy, Five Nations Demanding Free and Fair Elections

The democratic election of Republican Donald Trump to the U.S. presidency has trigged a bizarre backlash against America’s free and fair election in the radical leftist communities native to the country’s big cities. While a radical minority of Americans seek to use organized flag burnings to galvanize opposition to the peaceful transition of power, it […]

Christians Face Suffering ‘From Hell’ in ISIS’ Ongoing Genocide, Says Group Demanding Leaders to Take Action

The American Center for Law and Justice has said that it is preparing a series of critical legal actions to address the “problem from Hell” in the face of the ongoing Christian genocide at the hands of the Islamic State terror group, including letters to every U.S. presidential candidate laying out their obligations to protect victims. […]

UNREAL: Dems Reject McConnell Amendment Demanding US Hostage Release from Iran

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) attempt to pass an amendment to halt President Obama’s Iran deal by demanding the release of four American hostages in Iran and to recognize Israel’s right to exist has been rejected by Democrats. Senators voted 53-45 on an amendment from Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) that would have prevented […]
