July 26, 2024

SEAN HANNITY: Biden’s ‘trainwreck’ presidency has Democrats hesitant about 2024

Fox News host Sean Hannity called out the mounting crises under President Biden’s leadership including the worsening border crisis and the alarming amount of fentanyl deaths in America. SEAN HANNITY:  The Biden administration is now breaking one record after another, not one of them in any good way. In 2021, Biden set a new record […]

Report: Federal Authorities Hesitant to Charge Honduran Nationals Suspected of Killing a Bald Eagle

Federal authorities have not yet brought criminal charges against two Honduran nationals who allegedly shot and killed a bald eagle in Nebraska to eat it for dinner. On February 28, Stanton County sheriffs arrested two Honduran nationals found carrying a dead bald eagle after responding to a report of a suspicious vehicle outside of the Wood

Iran’s protests are powerful and real. Why are mainstream media outlets so hesitant to report on them?

For all the squabbling that social media platforms are notorious for, their relevance to the media landscape plays an important role in times of protest. This was evident with Black Lives Matter, among other movements. It’s been evident for the past three days in Iran, where thousands have taken to streets and public squares calling […]
