May 7, 2024

Jerry Falwell Jr.: GOP Elites Are Meeting Regularly – Plotting To Take Down Trump Before Election (VIDEO)

On Monday Trump supporter Jerry Falwell Jr., the president of Liberty University, told Rita Cosby that GOP elites may have leaked the Donald Trump sex talk tape to the Washington Post. On Tuesday Falwell Jr. went on with Lou Dobbs to discuss the leaked Trump audio.  Falwell told Dobbs GOP elites were plotting to destroy […]

WATCH => Best Speech of the Night: Donald Trump, Jr.

CLEVELAND, OHIO — With an honorable mention to Tiffany Trump, who was gracious and poised in her remarks, this was the best and most effective speech of the night.  Donald Trump, Jr. sounded like an actual Republican. He spoke eloquently about school choice and limited government. He emphasized the importance of the judiciary and respecting the […]
