July 27, 2024

Pro-Palestinian protesters throw smoke bomb, hit with pepper spray after being barred from entering the American Museum of Natural History for the second week

Pro-Palestinian protesters took to the streets of New York City again Saturday, storming Times Square after they were rebuffed as they tried to enter the American Museum of Natural History for the second weekend in a row. The protest, which started at the Upper West Side museum at 2 p.m., included the expectation that demonstrators […]

Biden trashed for embellishing house fire while trying to relate to natural disaster victims: ‘Lying again’

Social media critics tore into President Biden on Wednesday after the president compared a small fire in his home to the destruction wrought by the natural disaster in Hawaii and Hurricane Idalia going on in Florida. Users slammed the president for seemingly making the tragedy about himself and embellishing how destructive the actual fire was […]

Guns in the House? A raucous Natural Resources panel debate

House Natural Resources Committee Republicans on Wednesday defeated Rep. Jared Huffman’s (D-Calif.) push to reinstate an explicit ban on carrying firearms to the committee room after a lengthy and occasionally heated debate. The panel’s chair, Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.), repeatedly declined to clarify, under questioning from Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) and Huffman

China: Natural Gas Explosion Kills at Least 25, Seriously Wounds 37

The death toll from a gas explosion near a residential community in central China’s Shiyan city on Sunday rose to 25 on Monday as Chinese government authorities continued efforts to rescue and treat survivors of the blast and determine its cause. “The death toll from the blast in the city of Shiyan, in Hubei province,…

TYRANNY ON PARADE => YouTube Deletes Natural News Channel as Google Ramps Up Purge of Conservative Channels.

Google YouTube shut down the Health Ranger Natural News Channel on Friday. Natural News is a very prominent health website and the world’s top source on natural health. Founder Mike Adams posted this shocking news on Saturday. In the latest gross violation of free speech committed by radical left-wing tech giants, YouTube has now deleted […]

IN CASE OF NUCLEAR FALLOUT – 7 Natural Supplements You Should Have

This article is going to highlight several effective naturopathic remedies to assist in the removal of radiation from the human body.  The information can be used if you are undergoing any treatments that have radiation therapy attached to them, such as chemotherapy, and can also be taken into consideration for preparation and survival.  We have […]

Federal Judge Says He’s Above Natural Law as He Tosses Clerk Kim Davis in Jail

Rowan County (KY) Clerk Kim Davis was jailed this morning by a federal judge who said that putting natural law about his authority would set a dangerous precedent. Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She’s an elected official, and can’t be fired except by voters in her county, […]
