Imprisoned Kremlin foe Alexei Navalny says prison guards have come up with a creative new tactic to torment him: forcing him to listen to Vladimir Putin speeches over and over each night.“Those same speeches and public addresses he gave after the start of the war against Ukraine,” a statement on Navalny’s official Telegram channel read.“Loudspeakers
Vanessa Williams Rants at GLAAD Awards: ‘Drag Queens Are Not Murdering People’
Mark Von Holden/Variety via Getty Images Singer Vanessa Williams said in a recent interview at the GLAAD Awards that “drag queens are not murdering people.” “GLAAD Awards ain’t killing anybody, drag queens are not murdering people. We are a wonderful community,” Williams told Billboard. Watch Below: Williams also explained that she was at the GLAAD Awards to serve
President Trump: LeBron James’ ‘Racist Rants are Divisive, Nasty, Insulting, Demeaning’
Former President Donald Trump issued a statement on Thursday slamming NBA star LeBron James for his “racist rants” that are “doing nothing to bring our country together.” “LeBron James should focus on basketball rather than presiding over the destruction of the NBA, which has just recorded the lowest television RATINGS, by far, in the long…