July 26, 2024

Flashback: White House Refused to Disclose Joe Biden’s Visitor Logs from Delaware Residence

The White House refused to disclose President Joe Biden’s visitor logs from his Delaware residence, where one trove of classified documents was found stashed in the garage. “Will the White House be reconsidering the decision not to release visitor log information from his Delaware residences?” the New York Post asked at a press briefing in January 2src22.

Otis Elevator Company Recalls to Inspect Private Residence Elevators Due to Entrapment Hazard; Risk of Serious Injury or Death to Young Children

Due to the extraordinary circumstances surrounding COVID-19, some of the remedies identified in recall press releases may not be available at this time. Consumers should check with recalling firms for further details. It is important to remember that CPSC and recalling firms urge consumers not to use recalled products. Typical Private Residence Elevator with Exterior…

Stockholm Terrorist Was Illegal Alien – Denied Residence in 2014 But Stayed in Country

On Friday, an Islamic terrorist hijacked a truck and plowed over pedestrians in Stockholm, Sweden killing 4 and injuring over a dozen people. SWEDEN TERROR ATTACK: Video showing moment Swede's running for their lives as truck plows through pedestrians. #StockholmAttack pic.twitter.com/3Uvy4oB0I0 — PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) April 7, 2017 The terrorist is reportedly a 39 year old […]

German Woman Forced Out Of Long-Time Residence To Make Room For Refugees

A German woman is being evicted from her home of 16 years to make room for some of the 800,000 refugees Germany is planning to take in this year. According to The Telegraph, Bettina Halbey, a 51-year-old nurse living in the town of Nieheim, received a notice from her landlord on September 1 telling her […]
