July 26, 2024

Sessions Defends Withholding Funding: No Tolerance for Loss of ‘Innocent Lives’ in Sanctuary Cities

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Wednesday that a sanctuary city is a “trafficker, smuggler, or predator’s best friend,” specifically taking a whack at Chicago, the first sanctuary city to sue the Justice Department for withholding federal grants. “If voters in Chicago are concerned about losing federal grant money: Call your mayor,” @USAGSessions says. Sessions heralded […]

Donald Trump’s New ‘Ideological Screening Test’ for Immigrants: Oppose Bigotry and Hatred, Support Tolerance

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump announced his plans for countering Islamic terrorism and admitting refugees to America in a Monday speech, saying he would implement an ideological test for migrants to see if they agree with Americans on anti-bigotry and tolerance values. “In the Cold War, we had an ideological screening test. The time is […]

Muslim Tolerance: Sultan of Brunei Bans Christmas

When left to their own devices… The Sultan of Brunei has declared that anyone found illegally celebrating Christmas could face a five year jail sentence, according to reports.The conservative Muslim country on the island of Borneo stated the punishment would apply to anyone found sending festive greetings – or wearing Santa hats. Non-Muslims are allowed […]

Obama spent $700 million promoting homosexual tolerance abroad

President Obama has spent at least $700 million promoting homosexual tolerance in Africa.  Unfortunately, the initiative seems to have backfired: Since 2012, the American government has put more than $700 million into supporting gay rights groups and causes globally. More than half of that money has focused on sub-Saharan Africa — just one indication of […]

Tolerance: U.S. Soldiers Told To Ignore Rape of Boys Because It’s “Afghan Culture”

There is an absolutely horrifying story out in the New York Times today featuring U.S. soldier whistleblowers who say they were told to ignore rampant sexual abuse of young boys by Afghan allies because “it’s their culture.” In his last phone call home, Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. told his father what was troubling him: […]
