July 26, 2024

Illegal Alien Arrested After Starting Dozens of Wildfires in Colorado – 40,000 Acres Scorched.

A 52-year-old illegal alien was arrested Saturday after being charged with starting the Springs Fire in Colorado which ultimately scorched 40,000 acres. Jesper Joergensen was taken into custody last weekend after being suspected of arson that charred nearly 40,000 acres and destroyed an unknown number of structures. The Daily Mail reported: Jesper Joergensen, 52, was […]

Islamophobic Saudi Arabia Deports 40,000 Muslim Pakistanis, Citing Terrorism Concerns.

Saudi Arabia has deported a staggering 40,000 Pakistani migrant workers in the span of just four months, citing terrorism concerns. The Saudi Gazette reported last week that “a number of Pakistanis were held in the crimes of drug trafficking, thefts, forgery and physical assault.” Authorities feared that some of the migrant workers were linked with […]

Saudi Arabia DEPORTS Roughly 40,000 Pakistanis For TERRORISM In Last 4 Months, Calls For EXTREME VETTING!

[Bandar Algaloud / Saudi Royal Council / Handout – Anadolu Agency] Photo SOURCE The Middle East Monitor is reporting that Saudi Arabia has deported tens-of-thousands of Pakistanis out of their country over connections they have to terrorist organizations.Many of those who have been deported are linked to Daesh aka ISIS terrorist activities according to the article. […]

40,000 Christians Persecuted By Muslims IN GERMANY

Germany’s solution? Import hundreds of thousands more of these savages. Merkel will go down in history as the Destroyer of Germany. “40,000 Christians Persecuted By Muslims In Germany,” by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, May 10, 2016 (thanks to Filip): A new study shows that potentially thousands of Christians have been attacked and harassed in German migrant […]

Iran: If Sanctions Not Removed, ‘We Could Increase the Number of Our Centrifuges to 40,000 or 50,000′

The leader of Friday prayers in Tehran today warned that Iran could significantly increase its centrifuges if it doesn’t think the U.S. is playing fair in the nuclear deal. The remarks of Ayatollah Seyed Ahmad Khatami, a senior member of the Assembly of Experts, came the day after Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei addressed the […]
