July 26, 2024

CNN’s S.E. Cupp: Trump Pardoning Himself ‘Would Certainly Imperil’ 2024 Run

CNN’s S.E. Cupp said Thursday on “Newsroom” that if President Donald Trump used his pardon powers to pardon himself, it was an admission of guilt which “would certainly imperil” a 2024 presidential run. When asked about Trump pardoning himself, Cupp said, “This would be pretty unadvisable for the president to do because it is admission…

Democrats certainly support odd concepts relating to life, death, immigration and the economy.

Michael Brown robs a store in Ferguson, Missouri, goes after a police officer’s gun and gets killed. The media goes along with a fictional story of “Hands up don’t shoot,” making Michael Brown a hero and ginning up racial hate and hate of cops, causing riots and destruction. Kate Steinle, Molly Tibbetts and others get […]

EgyptAir MS804 terror fears: Disaster ‘almost certainly caused by ‘terror attack’ ‘BRUTAL ACT’

An EgyptAir passenger jet traveling to Cairo from Paris with 69 people on board disappeared off the radar over the Mediterranean early Thursday, the airline said on its Twitter account. Paris, again. EgyptAir said the plane had been 10 miles inside Egyptian airspace when it disappeared. ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood groups have been targetting Egypt […]
