July 26, 2024

EgyptAir finds human remains and belongings from plane crash at sea – WATCH

Egypt said on Friday that its navy had found human remains, wreckage and the personal belongings of passengers floating in the Mediterranean, confirmation that an EgyptAir jet had plunged into the sea with 66 people on board. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi offered condolences for those on board, amounting to Egypt’s official acknowledgement of their deaths, […]

Media slam Trump EgyptAir response, but look what they said about Obama…

By now, the lamestream media’s liberal bias is a given. And yet, there are moments when it still smacks you in the face with its ridiculous hypocrisy. This is one of those moments. Presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump dared to tweet about the likelihood that terrorism might be behind last night’s crash of EgyptAir. Looks […]

EgyptAir MS804 terror fears: Disaster ‘almost certainly caused by ‘terror attack’ ‘BRUTAL ACT’

An EgyptAir passenger jet traveling to Cairo from Paris with 69 people on board disappeared off the radar over the Mediterranean early Thursday, the airline said on its Twitter account. Paris, again. EgyptAir said the plane had been 10 miles inside Egyptian airspace when it disappeared. ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood groups have been targetting Egypt […]

EgyptAir Flight Crashes With 66 On Board

An EgyptAir flight traveling from Paris to Cairo crashed early Thursday, according to Egyptian aviation officials.  On whether the crashed was caused by a terror attack or technical problem, Prime Minister Sherif Ismail told reporters, “We cannot rule anything out.” Flight 804, an Airbus A320, was lost from radar at 2:45 a.m. Cairo time (8:45 p.m. EDT) […]
