July 26, 2024

Nolte: Canadian Pastor Arrested for ‘Inciting’ People to Attend Church

The Canadian Gestapo were smart this time. Instead of breaking into and swarming Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s church — as they previously did during an Easter weekend service, only to be appropriately shamed and heckled out of the place — this time the Canadian Gestapo waited until after Saturday services to arrest Pawlowski, and did so…

BREAKING: Black Dallas Cop Levels Suit On Black Lives Matter, Clinton, Obama For Inciting ‘Race War’

A black Dallas Police sergeant filed a lawsuit Friday against Black Lives Matter and their supporters, accusing them of inciting violence against cops. Sergeant Demetrick Pennie, a police officer of 17 years, filed the amended complaint in a federal court, reports the Dallas News. The lawsuit names the Black Lives Matter movement, Rev. Al Sharpton, Louis […]

After Dallas, Obama Faces Class Action Lawsuit For Inciting Violence

Larry Klayman, the head of Freedom Watch and founder of Judicial Watch, filed a class action lawsuit on Monday in federal district court in Dallas against President Obama and others for inciting violence, leading to the killings of law enforcement officers. In his complaint, Klayman named not only Barack Obama but Nation of Islam leader […]

[VIDEO] Should George Soros Be Investigated And Prosecuted For Inciting Riots And Violence In America?

While many in the patriot community know and understand just who George Soros is, many of the low information public is too busy taking their kids to soccer practices or following hockey and basketball scores to really understand where the fuel comes from that fires up groups like Black Lives Matter, and others. Make no mistake […]
