May 9, 2024

Source: U.S. Knew Weapons and Aid Were Going to Al Qaeda-Linked Militants in Libya

Editor’s Note: This is the first part in an investigative series by TheBlaze into how the U.S. government failed its diplomatic team in Benghazi and allowed Al Qaeda to benefit from the the lethal aid provided to rebel forces on the ground in Libya. – We will be discussing this story and all the day’s news on our live BlazeCast with Editor-in-Chief Scott Baker (@bakerlink) beginning at 3pm ET: A U.S. businesswoman and paid CIA and FBI informant in Libya who said she was a good friend of Ambassador Christopher Stevens’ told TheBlaze the Obama administration knew that weapons […]

Journey to the Center of the Common Core, Pt. 2

By: Brent Parrish In Part 1 , we took a look at what the Common Core (CC) standards are all about, and their close compliance with the aims and goals of UNESCO and the U.S. Department of Education. We also looked at how there was very little public comment or debate on Common Core prior to its adoption. We also learned Common Core is a “national program, written by a national team,” which contradicts proponents’ claims that CC is a voluntary States’ initiative. In this article, we will look at the origins of Common Core, and a little more on […]

Journey to the Center of the Common Core, Pt. 1

By: Brent Parrish There has been a lot of talk and news lately about Common Core (CC)—specifically, the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI), i.e. national standards for education. Whether you have children in school or not, CCSSI affects every American, in one way or the other.  One could say Common Core represents a radical bureaucratic “revolution” in education. Although proponents claim Common Core is a States’ or local initiative, it is, in many ways, a great “bait and switch” that flew underneath the radar of many Americans. There are several reasons I decided to write on the subject […]

Media Matters, New York Times Deceptively Edit Bundy Video To Smear Him as a Racist

George Soros-funded Media Matters and the fledgling New York Times are taking a page from the MSNBC playbook of editing video in order to fit their narrative and twist the actual occurrence of an event. (watch video below) This is done in an effort not as journalists, but as propagandist activists. After all, with Soros’ buddy Barack Obama in the White House constantly fanning the flames of racial, gender, and economic divide, they must give the rabid progressive base some fuel for the fire.  MSNBC has been caught deceptively editing video to help drive the progressive false and slanderous […]

What Would Captain America Do? The Fight for Liberty Versus Military-Industrial Complex NSA Global Intelligence / S.H.I.E.L.D

Captain America The Winter Soldier , finds the Captain fighting for liberty against S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury over the question of global intelligence. What Would Captain America Do? Fight the SHIELD / “The CIA + Navy + NSA x 1,000 “ What is patriotism? Is it doing what the government says, or is it doing what you believe is true to the Constitution and American values? “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” Currently the No. 1 movie in the country wraps its message in a red, white, and blue action-packed candy shell. Unfrozen WWII super-soldier Steve Rogers – a.k.a. Captain […]

The NRA Has a Direct Message for Michael Bloomberg: Freedom Isn’t For Sale in Any Town

Last week Michael Bloomberg launched his latest $50 million gun control effort under the new name Everytown. Bloomberg and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense (also a Bloomberg project) Founder Shannon Watts said, "The NRA should be afraid of us," while discussing their new initiative. Their goal is to take on the NRA with a specific focus on women and mothers. Today at the NRA Annual Meetings in Indianapolis, a direct response from the gun rights organization was issued to Bloomberg and his money: Freedom is not for sale. Not in America, not in ANY town. "Let’s see who […]

Parent to Obama: Let me tell you about the Common Core test Malia and Sasha don’t have to take but Eva does

I get a lot of e-mail from parents and teachers who wonder if President Obama, whose children go to the private Sidwell Friends School, knows what is actually going on with all of the standardized testing in public schools. Here’s an open letter to Obama explaining what he is missing, written by Rebecca Steinitz, a literacy consultant in urban high schools, a writer and an editor. She was previously director of the High School Program at Lesley University’s School of Education and an English professor at Ohio Wesleyan University, where she ran the Freshman Writing Program. Steinitz is also […]

Senator Introduces Bill to Silence Christians and Conservatives

Two hundred and fifty years ago, American colonists who criticized King George III would find themselves arrested and thrown into prison.  Sometimes they lost their businesses, homes and families because of their sedition to the crown.  The colonists had no freedom of speech to criticize the king, parliament or even a British citizen. When James Madison and George Mason penned the Bill of Rights, there was a reason why they made the freedom of speech part of the First Amendment.  It was the right to speak freely and openly criticize the government that was a right they fought for.  […]

Committee on Benghazi: Obama Switching Sides & Providing Weapons to Al-Qaeda Led to Benghazi Attack

Here’s more evidence of what I contended years ago. These were my exact words: Obama had switched sides in the war on terror — even before Benghazi. And the heads exploded  on the left (here) . And I was right. The Benghazi attack could have been prevented if US hadn’t ‘switched sides in the War on Terror’ and allowed $500 MILLION of weapons to reach al-Qaeda militants, reveals damning report Citizens Committee on Benghazi claims the US government allowed arms to flow to al-Qaeda-linked militants who opposed Muammar Gaddafi Their rise to power, the group says, led to the […]

5 Ways Obama Has Destroyed The Rule Of Law In America

When you allow unlawful acts to go unpunished, you’re moving toward a government of men rather than a government of law; you’re moving toward anarchy. And that’s exactly what we’re doing. — John Wayne All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. — George Orwell Tell me why any American should respect the law? Because it’s moral? Not necessarily. Slavery was once the law of the land. Abortion is the law of the land today. Even in a nation like America, it’s not unusual for laws to be unfair, unjust, and even immoral. Is it […]

Why are the cops punishing Common Core opponents?

A school district asked the police to prohibit certain students from setting foot on school property because their parents had privacy concerns about Common Core-aligned standardized testing, and wished to opt their kids out. The incident happened at Marietta City Schools in Marietta, Georgia. The Finney family didn’t want their three children — in third grade, fifth grade and ninth grade — to participate in the state-mandated Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests, partly because of the vast amounts of data the government is collecting about their children, and partly because they think the tests don’t serve a compelling educational interest, according […]


In 2007 I organized the Right a Way bill in Arizona SB 1264. Others tried to take credit, but many knew better, that’s history. Here is a document that a team has prepared for Colorado, but can be applied in all 50 states. It also sheds light on the current issue that the Bundys are dealing with in Nevada. Read these two documents then send them to everyone you know. Its time we reclaim our lands and manage them within the Sovereign framework of our States and Counties. 1. 2. For More vital information check out […]

Nancy Pelosi’s Holy Week foot-washing political stunt blasted as ‘shameful, sacrilegious’

Twitter users and conservative media critics are blasting Nancy Pelosi for “politicizing Holy Week” by joining a Holy Thursday foot-washing ceremony that included two immigrant children. Brent Bozell III, president of the watchdog group Media Research Center, told MRC subsidiary  CNS News that Pelosi “turned a sacred religious tradition into a grandstanding political publicity stunt.” Did she ever. The former House speaker (God help us) joined an Episcopal bishop at St John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in San Francisco to perform the ceremony, which re-enacts the Last Supper scene where Jesus washed the feet of the disciples to teach […]

Common Core Scrubs ‘Liberty’ as a Founding Principle

Much of the controversy surrounding Common Core standards has centered on nonsensical Math as well as the story problems used and far-left progressive text replacing American literary classics in English. Critics have been told that Common Core is simply teaching kids problem solving skills. However, there is growing concern with the lessons involved in Common Core far beyond the nonsense Math being taught and the reading being assigned. The latest controversy comes out of the state of New York. reports on the latest set of Common Core social studies standards being proposed in New York for children in […]

Pro-Common Core Deception Falling Apart

Facing a growing avalanche of grassroots opposition from teachers, parents, and voters across the political spectrum, pro- Common Core forces — Big Business, Big Media, the Obama administration, and more — are striking back at their critics, oftentimes with outright deception and utterly ridiculous claims. However, under even a modicum of scrutiny, the absurd allegations and unsubstantiated statements made by proponents of the Obama administration-funded nationalization of education standards promptly fall apart. It appears, then, that while Common Core supporters have the big bucks — much of it from U.S. taxpayers, most of the rest from Big Business and […]

Obama’s thug administration

Obama’s administration most criminally corrupt administration in this nation’s vaunted history One of the hallmarks of the Obama administration is that it is among the most corrupt administrations in living memory. The degree of corruption and thuggery to which many administration members have stooped would make even Boss Tweed of Tammany Hall fame blush. But what’s truly remarkable about the Obama administration is that its corruption is so unabashed. Among the most corrupt functionaries of the Obama regime is Attorney General Eric Holder, who appears to be Obama’s alter ego and enforcer. From day one he let America know […]

The Terrifying Implications of the IRS Abuse-DOJ Connection

Thank God for Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration J. Russell George. His investigation of what turned out to be the IRS abuse scandal may well have saved the Constitution and the nation. For his fair and impartial investigation into the Internal Revenue Service’s abuse of Americans who dissent from President Obama’s agenda, Democrats have called for an investigation of him . George should not be investigated, but perhaps the Democrats who want him investigated — Reps. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) and Matt Cartwright (D-PA) — should be. Their call for an investigation of the investigator might constitute interference with […]

GOP sues IRS for documents

  The Republican National Committee is celebrating Tax Day by suing the Internal Revenue Service, charging the Obama administration withheld documents sought in a Freedom of Information Act request regarding the agency’s targeting of political organizations. “We’re filing this suit because the Obama administration has a responsibility to be transparent and accountable to the American people. The IRS has a legal obligation to answer our inquiry for these records,” RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement.  “On Tax Day especially Americans deserve to know whether they can trust the agency to which they’re sending their taxes." The RNC […]

Venezuelan troops tear through border city to crush student protest in cradle of uprising

The National Guards rolled in under the cover of darkness, firing off tear gas and rubber bullets as they advanced with bulldozers and armoured vehicles towards the makeshift barricades. After weeks of protests that have rocked his government, Venezuela’s autocratic left-wing leader Nicolás Maduro had ordered his security forces to regain control of San Cristóbal, the birthplace of the unrest. Their mission was to destroy the hundreds of barricades that have paralysed life in the Andean city, an opposition stronghold of 650,000 in Venezuela’s "wild west" near the Colombian border. The student-led protests that erupted here in early February […]

Network News Stations Leave out Major IRS Scandal Updates Last Week

Last week, new developments were made in the case of the IRS-Tea Party scandal, but according to all of the network news channels, these were not important enough to be covered. IRS official Lois Lerner received a criminal referral from the House Ways and Means Committee and new emails surfaced, proving she fed tax information on a targeted group to Rep. Elijah Cummings. But both ABC and NBC news did not feel this was news worthy and gave ZERO coverage to these developments. CBS This Morning kept it brief with a 90 second report on Thursday. This was the […]

Disgrace: WH Rejects Ft. Hood Survivors’ Request to Meet with Obama

Let’s begin with the depressingly morbid clarification that we’re talking about survivors of the 2009 shooting rampage at the Texas military base, not the most recent one . As you’ll recall, the former massacre was perpetrated by Army Major Nidal Hassan, an avowed Islamic extremist, who shouted "Allahu Akhbar" as he mowed down his unarmed compatriots. The US government shamefully decided to categorize the murders as an instance of "workplace violence," rather than the anti-American terrorist attack that it was. To its credit, left-wing magazine Mother Jones has followed this story, giving voice to frustrated victims, and explaining the […]

Harry Reid’s last roundup

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy performed a remarkable public service for America over the last couple weeks. He exposed the utter ruthlessness, brutishness and Gestapo tactics of the federal government in dealing with honest, hard-working Americans who live off the land – our land. Claiming Bundy’s cattle ranching operation was endangering desert tortoises, the Bureau of Land Management treated him like he was Ted Bundy. I take that back. The serial rapist, mass murderer and necrophile got due process. When Cliven Bundy’s neighbors turned out to support him, as good American neighbors should, the BLM sent in helicopters, four-wheel-drive vehicles […]

Reid smelling anything but rosy in ranch fight

NEW YORK – When Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy refused to take his cattle off land the federal government demanded for the habitat of an endangered desert tortoise, it focused the nation’s attention on an arena Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., may have preferred to be kept quiet. An investigative report published last week by drew a connection between Senate Majority Leader Reid’s involvement with Chinese energy giant ENN, Chinese efforts to build massive solar facilities in the Nevada desert and the showdown between Bundy and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, or BLM. It wasn’t the first report to […]

Militias beat back feds in ranch war

After hundreds of federal agents and allies surrounding Clive Bundy’s ranch in Clark County, Nev., were faced with citizen resistance – both armed and unarmed – it proved the feds who blinked first. According to an Associated Press report, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, or BLM, officials say “escalating tensions” led them to not only stop rounding up approximately 900 of Bundy’s cattle, but also release all 400 or so head already seized on public land the feds say Bundy can no longer use for grazing his herd. “Based on information about conditions on the ground and in consultation […]

House Oversight Committee approves contempt charges against Lois Lerner

As expected, the House Oversight Committee voted on party lines, 21-12, to approve contempt of Congress charges against former IRS Tax Exempt Organizations director Lois Lerner.  The resolution will now proceed to a vote by the full House, which seems likely to approve it, especially since the entire House GOP leadership team has been signaling their approval.  That includes Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), who grew very angry with the Administration’s latest attempt to protect itself from oversight by playing the race card: House Oversight deliberations on Thursday morning were quite fiery, especially since the lead Democrat on the committee […]

BREAKING: House Ways and Means Committee Votes to Refer Lois Lerner For Criminal Charges

The House Ways and Means Committee has voted to 23-14 along party lines to refer former head of tax exempt groups at the IRS Lois Lerner to the Justice Department for prosecution. Although the details about exactly what charges will be have not yet been released, lawmakers are arguing Lerner has not been truthful with Congress or the IRS inspector general and leaked confidential tax information. Last time a referral like this happened, it was to Major League Baseball player Roger Clemens, who was pursued by the Department of Justice for lying to Congress but was exonerated in court. […]

ALERT: Internet users told to change ALL passwords in wake of ‘catastrophic’ Heartbleed security bug

  Visitors pass a giant Videoscreen with moving letters symbolising security codes at the computer- fair Cebit in Hanover March 22, 2001. About 8.000 exhibitors will present their products at the world’s largest computer fair which will be open to the public from today until March 28. – RTXKE5P    After the discovery this week of a massive security flaw in the open source software used to secure and encrypt a vast portion of internet communications, major tech firms are urging users across the Web to change the passwords on all of their accounts. Dubbed the “Heartbleed” bug by […]

Common Core: Bad Math meets Radical Politics

« BACK  |  PRINT RS FRONT PAGE CONTRIBUTOR It’s like Global Warmism, but inflicted on kids How bad are the Common Core State Standards horror stories getting? A friend of mine in Scotland sent me this video, saying that he was speechless, and that this is so bad, they don’t even have this in socialist Europe. Welcome to the Common Core , where children are taught the principles of social justice and socialist agitation. The video is shocking. This is extreme material, and it’s getting almost no play outside of grassroots opposition coming from parents faced with Common Core […]

Teach Common Sense not Common Core

“Fundamental transformation” of our society: Common Core, brainchild and work of 30 individuals and almost $200 million sponsorship of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation “Common Core will be raising good little socialists, who are in tune with their feelings, not so much their critical thinking skills.”  – Author unknown I have seen many educational fads come and go, trying to replace teaching methodology in our public schools with something so revolutionary and never tried before that would make teaching a “science” instead of an art and to place all children into a national standardized one mold fits all […]

Caracas chaos: Venezuelan general on the run

Death in the streets, rationing by fingerprints and a general on the run: how oil-rich Venezuela has descended into chaos The instructions were straight from the pages of a thriller. We were to park our vehicle in an underground car park, leave behind our mobile phones to avoid tracking, walk through a shopping mall and make our way to another garage in the basement. We followed the directions and were duly greeted by a flash of headlights. The driver then screeched off a one-hour night-time dash through the protest-filled streets of Caracas, frequently doubling back and stopping to ensure […]
